Programmer looking for a project
Programmer looking for a project
Hi all!
I'm an veteran industry programmer. I'm looking for a small (NES-sized), fun project to work on during my spare time. 2D sprites or Minecraft style. I can do a bit of game design and art myself, but I'm interested in the collaboration.
I'd like to team up with a designer and/or artist. I'd prefer to build the engine myself and use something like the "Tiled" editor for level design, or precedural generation if we go the minecraft voxel route.
I'm interested in working with someone who understands why a "for-fun" game needs to stay small. I've shipped games and I know how much time it takes, I have no illusions. 3 levels is a already a lot for a small team.
Thematically, I'd be most interested in fantasy or sci-fi, but try me if you're interested.
Sounds interesting. I am myself an artist and musician, however not on anywhere near a professional level. And yes, I know that being overambitious is never good when it comes to indie game design, if it comes to it we should just make something really simple, like, ridiculously simple, I think. I don't have the killer idea for a small sized (on even big sized) game right now, tho. But I'm open for discussing idea with you if you please. I think you should take a look at my graphics and music on here and see if it appeals to you first, and if it has a level of professionalism you deem necessary for the project you wanna work on. I'll be looking forward to see what you think, so please let me know!
Btw, It'd actually be really interesting to work with a custom engine for one!
Hey you,
I have a game which is nearing completion. Actually i would call it a mayor game from the planning.
Its something of a geneexperiment mixing the old game outpost with Anno 1404 in space and with Master of Orion 2.
I am however not sure if i can include code from other people since i wrote the whole code myself and i think it might be a bit hard to understand and work with it.
I have 2 mayors still open in the code that being the AI and the Pathfinding where i think it might be done with a module.
@Aeitia for graphic i need to migrate many 2D arts to 3D. I started with a 2D version but found i want to have it in 3D in the end much more beautiful.
And i have not included sound yet i am open for suggestions.
Rainbow, for 3D I am afraid I'm totally useless, can do 2D only!
Well i tried to convince some people to learn how to use blender its pretty easy if you have time and dont get impatient ;)
Otherwise how about making the music? Thats what you good in already anyways ;)
Tbh I'm not really interested in learning how to use Blender at all. But we can discuss the music at some point. I'm already composing for a different project, so you'll likely have second priority until I'm done with that, but I think that will be pretty soon. But you'll need to tell me more about what music you sorta need, how many songs, how long each, what musical style, how quickly they should be finished, and if your game's going to be free or not, since I naturally won't work on a commercial project for free ;)
But we could figure something out regarding the music. Maybe,
Acutally i would suggest this: I would make my game ready to upload in the next few weeks and give you the link and you decide on what you think would match in terms of music. The reason is simple: I have no plan on what i need right now so the specification is i need good music.
I dont know about if for free or not i cannot even guarantee that it will be ever finished and uploaded. It would also be completely fine to not have custom made music for my game just some stuff from oga. I would not need an properitary license as far i know.
I just think maybe you have an good idea to take something thats already here or if not let it inspire you and make something new and publish it under cc-by.
Not sure I can really give you good music specifically. You'll honestly have to be a bit more specific with what you want if I am to help you. And I also think you should decide with yourself if you want a custom soundtrack before you try to get a composer onto your project. That said, I'd like to see your game anyway. And please don't take what I say too harshly, I'm just a bit unsure on how to word it. :)
Well i would not call it game in its state now... But if you want i can send you a screenshot or two on pm.
I like an adaption of this one:
But a little more introverted a bit more intense and completely in space setting ;)
I think maybe we should discuss me making a soundtrack for your game when it's a bit closer to completion then. That'll give me time to finish off my current music project. :)
Okay was just an idea i kinda search for art when i feel boring its not like i need the music now ;)
That's fine. Feel free to PM me or something when you need the music.
Hi Aeitia,
You music and art are great, I'd be happy to work with you.
So what do you want to do? Since you're a 2D artist, let's do a 2d sidescroller? Maybe a platformer?
Which do you like better, sci-fi or fantasy? Would you prefer fighting enemies with weapons or jumping on them like mario? Or dashing through them? Like Robot Unicorn Attack :)
Is there a game you really love that could be our inspiration?
Hi Rainbow,
Are you looking for help with your game? I might be able to make some AI and pathfinding for you, but it depends on how much you've done and what your levels are like. What language are you using?
Can I think about it for a little while, Trent? I've promised to deliver art assets for a different project in the meantime. But I'll get back to you in due time if you can with bear the waiting.
And, hmmm, game that could be our inspiration?
I'm maybe thinking a single screen game like Bubble Bobble or something, but it should obviously be different enough and have a different way of defeating enemies and so on. Alternatively it could be something like "Goonies 2" (minus the 3d segments), but that already makes things a lot more complicated.
And I think I prefer fantasy more, at least for drawing art asssets and the music.
But it's all about whether you'd bother waiting for me to get done with one of my projects, since I've already involved in 2 of them, and with 3 at the same time, I just don't think I'll be able to dedicate enough time to each.
Hehe ok Aeitia, well I am looking for a project to do right away. When you become free let me know if you're still interested though.
I will. but, I mean I can also do something now, I'd spread me a bit thin, but You'll need some time to build the engine anyways I guess..
I'm crazy fast, I have built many many games. I'll have the prototype running in like, 2 days.
I just need to decide what I'm building
Yeah I don't think I can keep up with that when making 3 projects simultaneously. So for now, it'll proably be better for you to find someone with less tasks at hand. It just seems that I'm the only person who even bothers collaborating with game devs here on OGA, or at least it's been like that for the last couple of months..
But enough of me rambling. I'll find you when I'm done with my projects, and then we'll see if you're free by then.
Hello trent,
I use Unity3D so its C# as language
I would not call it "levels" well for the pathfinding i have "basic" pathfinding means running around the coordinates till you have the point where to go but obstacles make it impossible and ignoring tilecost which is not yet programmed.
For AI that would be now what to build as AI when to attack / defend.
If how to attack (tactical choices) belongs to it or i would do this i cannot say yet.
I don't think he's looking for a literal definition of what pathfinding is, Rainbow. XD
Aeitia i dont really understand how you mean that.
Well there is one thing more in my game that i would need.
I need some few ui buttons - which are in 2D. Right now i would need that ones:
1. Found new colony
2. Menu item to: zoom to an object
3. A set of icons to display an interface of a ship/ fleet a planet / sun / misc and an building/ production inteface
and such small things tend to delay the project often.
::Raises Hand:: Hi Rainbow Designs! I will be working on some UI elements today and will have them done by tomrrow. If anything looks interesting to you, maybe I could focus on creating some custom ones of your description for your project? I'm eager to work on something, because I'm doing a lot of experimenting right now, but don't have a particular direction for how I would want my own game's assets to look as far as the UI is concerned. I'm creating a lot of random things for gaining my exp.
Hello Chromaeleon, Sounds great and thankyou for your suggestion.
If you want to do some random stuff i will give some more specified details.
First all items should be layerd so its easy to change the background and they should not be too small maybe 256px would be fine its easy to downscale but harder to upscale.
All background would be round like as example this with the black transparent and the yellow in other colors.
1. Found new colony : a planet with a flag on it possible detailed with a sun in the background.
2. Menu item to: zoom to an object : a magnifying glas no background
3. A set of icons to display an interface of a ship/ fleet a planet / sun / misc and an building/ production inteface : all would have the image from above as background but in some transparent modern blue spacegame style (not exactly sure how) : fleet would be just three triangles, the planet would have a planet and a layered magnifyer glas on it, and the building some kind of building with a layered gearwheel.
I look forward to see what you will make.
I made a little upload of 2D icons maybe some can inspire you:
I don't see the image in the post above? But that's okay, I'll work on other things :)
that one
I am looking to make games for online game portals. if you are interested something can be done.
Hi Tyrant,
What language are you planning to use? Would this be a commercial game? I'm only interested in non-commercial games.
Tell me about what you had in mind if it is non-commercial.
it can be non-commercial. I was thinking makeing a RPG for a online game portal like armor games.
I think I could do that. So, tell me a bit about the game you'd like to make.
A basic RPG with a sword hero. fighting bandits and the such. the project was part of something that I was working with a programer before.
Here is a screen shot. is this something you would be able to do.
Yes easily. Do you want it to work in a web browser? Or do you run it stand-alone?
A web brower would be fine. it is more about making something that many people can play.
I fugure a big part of the game would be level grinding. So I figure the game can be made in zones. I have had a number of sprites made for the game my email is if you would like to talk more about the project.
I'd like to join to any project. Or even craat new one.
But I have a lot of questions.
1. Map editor
In any game it is a good idea to have many locations.
So, what is the part of map? Is it a file? What is the room map? Or disctrict map?
How player is walking from on part of map (screen) to another?
2. Data storage?
The most important is the problem with anticheat. How I can be sure that player did not edit a power of attack before hit?
3. Multiplayer. All that it means (mostly unclear for me).
Please contact me, I'm full of motivations =)
I buy your time.
By map I mean level or area. Whatever they are, I agree, there should be several of them, and you have play the game to move to another level. Unless we are building an open-world game, like Minecraft, then the whole world is one map.
Multiplayer is quite a big task. 2 people playing together with 2 controllers on the same computer is quite easy, but to play online is too much work.
Because its not multiplayer, I don't want to work on anti-cheat too much. Each player should have their own responsibility not to cheat if they want to have fun, and since its not multiplayer, they can't ruin anyone else's game.
Are you still interested?
Yes, but you can implement rating system according to internal algo of player behavier or detailed statistic.
All this info you can post to global rating system online.
So, any player can see their position among other players, right?
In that case competiotion adds much sence and fun.
I buy your time.
Well I agree that does add a lot of fun but that would take a lot more work.
Because of exactly what you said. If there is cheating it won't be fun, and preventing cheating is a lot of work. Hosting an online server to display the scores is also more work.
I already have a full-time job, I want a casual project that is fun, I don't want to worry about administrating such a system.
:) Sorry
Still needing a project?
-Justin Lewis @
Working on a 2D rpg: <- Post facebook and discord if you want to contact me faster than e-mail.
-Justin Lewis @
The link appears broken? But i may be interested, at least for now. What would you need people for?
Hello, your project sound great, i'm a amateur level designer, i already creat few game just for fun( space-shooter, plateformer) . But what kind of game you want to creat ? RPG ? Platform-shooter ?
@Mountz Open-World RPG. Are you familiar with Unity and what level design conecpts do you know?
-Justin Lewis @
Yeah, i'm familiar with Unity. Well with Unity i only creat 1-2 maps. But i already make few games with Construc2
@Mountz here is the new link to my forum post for the project:
Discord for the team(s):
My Facebook:
-Justin Lewis @
I made a post for the game.