Edit/Update of previous submitted art?
Edit/Update of previous submitted art?
Quick question when i edit and update a excisting piece of art/music do the nice people who have all ready downloaded it get a notification that its been updated
so they can see if they want to DL the new version/Update?
I thought when you updated a file it might off ended up being shown in the recent uploads section? not moaning or anything?
Updating an existing submission is probably better than just uploading a new separate submission, especially since the people who downloaded the original version may have bookmarked it and will not notice any new upload you make.
It doesn't notify anyone automatically when an update is made nor does it put it back at the top of new submissions. It will, however, notify anyone who has commented on the submission if you post a comment of your own. "Hey, I just updated this with all new color palette! Download the latest version" or something like that.
--Medicine Storm
Ok thank you, i had already updated the submission and wrote in the revision part what i had done, after i had saved the new version i was just curious how anyone would know there was a update to the submission.
I will defo post a comment now like you have suggested :)