usf 0.1.6
usf 0.1.6
Hi there, just wanted to give a little publicity here, to my long term project, ultimate-smash-friends which features a lot of art sponsored by BartK and masterfuly produced by RedShrike :), and annouce new releases here:
Ultimate smash friends is a 2D fight game a la super smash bros, aiming for fast and fun gameplay, allowing both casual game and expert play in tornaments. It currently feature 10 different arenas and 8 nice pixel-art characters, each character has a wide range of attacks available, from straight melee stype, to missile and long range attacks.
The game Feature an AI that we try to improve, any expertise in that area will be gladly accepted.
The game don't yet feature any network mode, multiplayer is on same keyboard only, again, any help accepted!
about release 0.1.6
There are packages for Windows/MacosX/Ubuntu and plain old zip for other systems, up there. I think we can say this release is the first to feature an interresting AI, so it makes it a little more interresting when you are alone on your keyboard (still no network game, but that's on the plan :)).
There is probably some work to be done to make characters equaly powerful, but that's not an easy job for a programmer like me :] the tools are, alas a little limited to fix that, as there is no real character editor (except your favorite text editor :)), they are plain xml files though, so humans can take a look at it and make some sense out of it, there is a viewer to see the results of editing realtime (provided as you save your file often :)).
Anyway, no need to bother much to enjoy it, i hope, ideas, patches, congrats or flames welcome (well, not too much flames i hope :P)
Get it while it's hot!
release 0.1.7 on the way... ;)
Hi, i installed the deb on my Ubuntu 11.04 system, but when running usf i get the following error:
pygame.error: Couldn't open /usr/share/ultimate-smash-friends/data/gui/tech/sliderh_center.png
And indeed, there is no tech directory inside my gui directory ...
Had you installed/used any older version before? tech was an older theme that was removed long ago…
Either remove .config/ultimate-smash-friends or if you want to keep it, edit .config/ultimate-smash-friends/user.cfg to replace "THEME = tech" with "THEME = tty". that should work after.
I'll try not to break the game over old config files in the future :)
Nope, I did not have installed any older version of usf before. I got the Natty package from .
Anyway, I replaced "THEME = tech" with "THEME = tty" and it finally works.
@tshirtman, it would have been better/nicer if you had given tbe brief of the game (arcade/platformer) with a screenie or two before jumping about the new version.
Also it would have been good if you wanted people to test it for specific behavior (shiny new things) .
IMHO it would have been more productive for all concerned .
Just my 2 paise.
shirish: valid points! i assumed everyone would follow the links :P
i will edit the post to provide more precisions. Thanks for input!
oops, double post…