Miscellaneous concept art
Miscellaneous concept art
Tuesday, November 17, 2009 - 07:17
Art Type:
Some of these images I've done for contest and one is orginally made for Planshift as a fan art, rest are just made for fun. Hopefully someone has some use for them. Cheers =)

Wow, very good!
Wow. These are all beautiful pieces of work. :)
I especially like the Path29 one. It would make a great wallpaper.
I also like the one with the bug.
I've used this picture in my free RPG, www.ageoffable.net . You can see your details on the credits page ( www.apolitical.info/webgame/credits ). Please let me know if there's any problem with it.
No problems, I am pleased to see that it get used. Thank you for informing me =)
umm ahh hi i just want to say its good but can u help me plz. im kinda new here but do we get to draw and stuff,,,,,,,,, thats y i sign up, and can u help me how to like draw in somthing or w.e like that ... w.e=
what ever