Weekly Challenge: Components (due March 5)

Weekly Challenge: Components (due March 5)

dannorder's picture

The next theme for the art challenge is full of bit parts:


Make some art that consists of smaller pieces that can be combined into a larger whole. Components could be gears and springs for mechanics, colored pencils and erasers for artwork, silicon chips and batteries for electronics, body parts for something anatomical, mushrooms and sausage for a pizza (I'm hungry now) or something else you come up with. If all else fails think up some game idea you would want to do and work backwards.

Please post submissions to the regular art page and tag them Challenge and Components. Other tags describing your artwork are encouraged, of course. Once you have a page please post a link in this thread.

Bonus points (which I guess are only theoretical but are sure appreciated) to anyone who takes those pieces and makes a design that can be used for the upcoming Open Game Art game jam web site. Maybe having that in mind will inspire you. More details on sizing can be found at: http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/oga-game-jam-banner-chalange

The official week of art submissions runs from Monday, February 27th, through March the 5th. So get your wheels a-grinding.