free mine assets pack
free mine assets pack
Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 08:35
Art Type:
this pack contains a lot of 3D-objects for creating mine-levels /goldmines.
it contains over 35 wooden parts (support), stones (high, mid and low poly), stalagmites/stalactites (higher + lower poly), rail system (usable with array+curve modifier), lamps, treasure chest, minecart and gold coins
the crystals i used in the preview are from my crystal set
if you use the bge, make sure you applied the array modyfier when using caps, else it crashes blender when starting the bge by pressing p (bug)
all used textures are cc0
the wood texture is from Luke.RUSTLTD (
and the metal and stone textures are from yughues

Pretty cool stuff and good for making versatile environments. Thanks for making this.
Nice, but the wood-texture could probably be less "new".
nice share rubberduck! can i use these assets to a game i'm currently working on? thanks for these!
you can use it for everything you want and without attribution because it is cc0
Wow. this is great. I like that that there is a whole pack. Extremely useful. thanks for sharing this
is this still working or am i having issues?
Using this pack, I made my first cave in Blender. It then became the crystal mine. This stuff looks really good with some nice lighting.
I've included this asset in the AnyRPG Engine. Its been featured in a YouTube livestream at and you've been added to both the in-engine credits, and the credits at