What's up with the watermarks?
What's up with the watermarks?
Monday, March 27, 2017 - 16:04
The watermarks are added to images in the search view and they all come out like "art.org" but I assume it's supposed to say "opengameart.org". Many previews on detail pages are also broken. What the heck is the point of watermarking on a free site anyway?
The watermarks are to prevent other pages from hosting their images for free on OGA, but linking to them from their own site, so that OGA has to foot the bill for the image bandwidth. The artwork is and always will be free on OGA, just not hotlinking the images from other sites.
The reason it is showing up on OGA is because the hotlinking system thinks the https version of the site is a foreign site trying to steal bandwith. The https portion of OGA is still being worked on and is not fully ready. In the meantime, the easiest way to stop seeing the OGA watermark is to go to http://opengameart.org instead of https://opengameart.org
--Medicine Storm