Wizard-Witch Top down sprites

Wizard-Witch Top down sprites

furkanduran98's picture

Hey guys! Firstly i am not good at English. Please tolerate me (:


I am making a wizard game for android/ios (I have Online-Multiplayer but little bit bugging.). They can use skills on top down. I made spells and spell icons.

But i am bad at making characters.

So i need some top down mage characters. They should walking (Because of i have slow effect in the game. Slow makes animation slow.). 


Fire Mage

Ice Mage

Reaper (Not needed a scythe)

Purple mage (I have reedem codes for my game. This is a rare reward.)



I cannot pay you. Sorry about that but i will understand if you dont want to make sprites.

I'll credit your name or website.

Game based on 2 person. They are dueling in different ways. Currently i have a basic game. It's playable. But i dont want to share my game.

I can give a copy of my game if you're interested.

I made 3 classes. Fire Mage (Rapid damage/low cd), Ice mage (High dps/good crowd control), Soul Reaper (Extreme CC/high cd/good damage).

I have 4-7 more classes on sketch. Hunter, Plague Sender, X Mage (X is a faction from my game. No name yet.), Flower Whisperer, Mind Controller etc...

Game is fun. All my friends liked my game (I did not mention the game i did.). 


Photo is currently what i am using. Different colors.

Probably i made too many writing mistakes. As i said English isn't my mother language.

I can answer the questions feel free to ask. (:

player2-move.png player2-move.png 16.8 Kb [96 download(s)]