Dungeon Master clone
Dungeon Master clone
I have been working on and off on a Dungeon Master clone some time ago,
and now I have started again, with the different goal to make it completely free.
Free software, and using free game art. This is why I post on these forums -
I am not a grahpics artist myself, but only a coder, and I am in dire need
of graphics assets. ;)
To summarise shortly, Dungeon Master is (was) an oldschool fake-3d realtime
dungeon crawler RPG - a later game in the same style is the excellent Grimrock.
My previous work went under the name of "Damnation of the Gods", but I am
considering doing this under a different name, to be able to separate it from
I have currently started coding, and I am temporarily using non-free assests
from the original Dungeon Master.
which pretty much completely covers what I need.
Would anybody be interested in helping out with my quest?
I haven't really decided on if I should do it higher resolution than what was
available in the original - it might make it easier to do it lower res, but I
am very much open for ideas.
Do you want 2D or 3D graphics?
A bit of both actually, mostly 3d, but the 2d assets need to be replaced too.
Well, I can't do 3D at all :P only 2D
Can you show some pics or videos of your prototype?
I don't have very much done on the current project right now, but I have two
tiny screenshots (featuring non-free placeholder graphics):
I will post more when I have more finished :)
For information on my old project DotG, see
- There might be some windows executables, but I haven't touched those in
_years_, so I don't know their status now.
Are you interested in me dong anything 2D for the monsters, etc.? I have a bit of time on my hands.... :P
That would be great!
I have uploaded the source of what I have so far:
Should be buildable using cmake, allegro 5.2 and boost. (For some more details, see the README in freedungeon.tar.gz).
Freedungeon requires the both libraries gusgame and gusgui, and gusgui needs gusgame to build.
Please notice that the freedungeon.tar.gz contains non-free placeholder graphics from Dungeon Master.
Ehh I offered to make 2D graphics for you, not compile your game, so I'm not sure what you're onto with this, rather, if you want anything, you should just tell me instead of having me piece it all together myself through the code, I feel.
Alright, I have built a windows binary -
(Again, please notice that this contains non-free data).
Could someone please test it - It works fine on the Windows build machine (of course), but I have problems with it running using wine on Linux.
Just fiddled around with the game for a couple minutes. It works fine for me in windows 10! I have no clue what you're supposed to do though, but maybe everything hasn't been implemented yet. :)
Have you considered using Unity for this, I could massively decrease development time.
Btw did you need 2D graphics Gusnan?
Unity isn't free software.
I believe its free as long as you don't sell your game.
it's free until you earn over $100,000.00 in revenue from your game. Until then, it's still free even if you sell your game.
--Medicine Storm
Well, I mean free in the FSF sense:
Ah. Yes that's true. I missed your underlying goal:
--Medicine Storm
I missed it also