Project SM3 - Game Sprites are not from OGA, but menus are.
Project SM3 - Game Sprites are not from OGA, but menus are.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011 - 17:37
Here is a game we have been working on for a few months.
The game sprites are not from OGA but from tometik, (they are also CC v3.0)
But the menu windows, hud displays, and icons are from OGA :D
It is an Isometric Action RPG liken to Diablo. This is our biggest game yet and would appreciate any help with it.
IndieGoGo to help us get marketing funds. (IndieGoGo Page)
So without further Ado, here are screenshots and a Alpha 1 Dev Video.
Looking good! <3 action rpgs
Thanks Clint! BTW I love your art. For the longest time i been contiplating about using some of your art. But the artwork I have now is working just fine.
Here are some latest development pictures of Project SM3. These ones are to focus on the Magic System. I have added 3 spells so far. Fire, Ice, Shock. Icons for the current spell are in the circle to the left of the health and mana bars. The second picture details the quick select spell book. You get there by clicking on the larger icon. The last picture shows the spell book menu. It details each spell.
i'm glad you liked my gui design, =).
Is nice to see it serving well =)
Best Wishes,
I took one look at your GUI and said to myself. I have to use that!
I really do appreciate guys like you and the work you do. It really helps out us game programmers who do not the artistic skills. I have just enough to modify things to the way I need them. :)
Thanks! Hope you continue to watch our project and see how it progresses.