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Pixel artist needed
Resource Requests
Pixel artist needed
Thursday, January 18, 2018 - 21:53
I need a pixel artist for my characters and map.
This is the place.
--Medicine Storm
AntGamesDev, what do you need?
What all u trying to make? Witches, warlocks etc.
"God is the original coder, the ultimate coder. For he has written the most complex open source code ever"
I need a 2 2d soldier, 4 Zombies (2 male, 2 female).
Sounds awfully familiar..... I think we have been through this one before.
How does this post differ from ?
--Medicine Storm
I can't see that you've written who actually made that pixelart for you (it was me btw)
- #1 in the OpenGameArt Summer 2017 Game Jam-