Mine or mining vehicle
Mine or mining vehicle
can someone point me to a mine or mining vehicle of good quality in 3d? It does not nessasarly be on oga just free and comercially compatible. I cannot find a good one myself
can someone point me to a mine or mining vehicle of good quality in 3d? It does not nessasarly be on oga just free and comercially compatible. I cannot find a good one myself
I can just make you one. Have any reference art of what you want?
Hello IllusionOfMana,
I like to have something similar to this one (Atleast this is the preffered idea. The one in the middle of the screen):
https://youtu.be/RCjkzJDtiAc?t=43 but a little different from the proportions and surface.Those "wheels" running on the ore look a bit too spiky. I think all proportions should be a bit thicker.
ok I honestly thought you wanted like a minecart or something, this has been way more interesting than I expected. I dont know what style youre going for or the platform your project is being built on so I went with average 10k polygon size.
If you want any changes done or the mesh simplified down to a less complex shape let me know.
If you like the object then ill send it as a .obj and .fbx over PM
That looks really awesome. I am doing right now a 3d pc game where you build a base on a planet, however it will go beyond that before release i will add a full battle system. Most of that is finished by now but i fear i need to polish integrate and bughunt still a while.
Have you animated it?
I did some of my own 3d stuff and animations and can animate it myself too but i am more skilled in programming.
What license will you send it with?
if you like i will send you a picture how it looks with the other buildings.
Its not animated or textured. none of the normals or UVs are set since I dont know what engine youre using and I know some engines just throw away normal or UV data for its own auto mappers.
If you want I can texture and animate it.
The lisence.
Probably be CC-BY-SA 4.0
but nothing is set in stone yet.
When finalized Ill send you a copy in whatever format you want it in except MayaBinary or MayaASCII.
Sure Im interested in seeing what your project looks like!
Hi guys, sorry for butting in your conversation, IllusionOfMana, since you are licensing it as CC-BY... or similar can i convince you to also upload it to OGA once its ready? Im sure lots of people will find it useful as well for their own projects. Thanks
Thats the plan! I just want to make sure its set up with any animations and textures it needs first before I upload it!
@Illusion of Mania dude you are on a whole other level of awesome.
Thanks Man! Anything 2D, 3D, script in C, C++, JavaScript, or C#, I can do it. Some things for free depending on level of complexity.
Just note all free things I make will be submitted to OGA as well.
I am using unity3d for most 3d stuff i use blender but unity can handle fbx too unity with blender and textures are complicated however. I think the only way to import textures from blender is to uv unwrap and send the textures as seperate image.
Its great to see oga growing especially when it will be such high quality art.
I use Autodesk Maya. Unity imports texture mapping even from FBX files exported from maya. Or so it has for me when I move models to Unity. Naturally all objects exported even in the complex MayaBinary format need to have the texture image with the object file. Ill texture it and try and make importing it to Unity as easy as possible.
Also do you have any images of other things in your game so i can get an idea of the style for textures.
I have some but at this state of the game i am not exactly sure how it will look in the end.
I would even say i somehow have 2 styles. One is rather futuristic advanced buildings the other is rather earthly more like the things we find right now in earth. I send you some pictures. I am reluctant to show anything of my game to anyone since i am not sure if i can ever finish and publish it i dont want to give a taste of something that will never be.
I send you some images as message.