Pixel ART

Pixel ART

SCaydi's picture

Alright so... I'm kind of mad at this point now... who says what is good and what is bad, what is wrong and what is right about ART overall? Who is the almighty judge or what are the 10 divine rules for making art or Pixel Art? As much as I know, and Salvador Dali taught me... is that Art comes from your mind, from your heart and from your hard work... So, why is people always saying I am doing bad/wrong this and bad/wrong that? I just make Art as I feel it, as I like it, as I want it... cause I thought it was a way to express myself freely, not an endless contest of strict rules to follow.

P.S.: This attachment file is one of my recent works

OracleSet.png OracleSet.png 11.9 Kb [8 download(s)]