Update on my FLARE JRPG Project

Update on my FLARE JRPG Project

Here's a video showcasing basic combat. As you can see I'm using a modified version of the hobgoblin models by VWolfDog (https://opengameart.org/content/flare-mod-hobgoblin) which were in turn created from Clint Bellanger's Goblin Model. Other assets used are the trees and cart prop from Bleed (https://opengameart.org/content/tree-collection-v26-bleeds-game-art), plants using Varkalandar's stuff as a base (https://opengameart.org/users/varkalandar) and rocks modified from here (https://opengameart.org/content/isometric-64x64-outside-tileset)

At first I intended to create all of the art assets on my own but seeing the amount of time it has taken me to push out anything substantial that attitude has changed. I have also toyed with the idea of releasing this as a commercial project but I don't think it would be right given the amount of open-source work  I am using (Some of which are CC-BY-SA). I also hope that eventually releasing the project for free would encourage more people to play it.

I would seriously like to thank Dorkster whom I know is currently an active developer of the flare engine. I sometimes feel that the project is way too ambitious and I end up losing confidence, but thanks to his efforts in adding more and more features realizing said ambitions become more and more possible.