Sci-fi Light tank
Sci-fi Light tank
Monday, October 22, 2012 - 19:21
Art Type:
Reworked version of killyoverdrive heavy vehicule, I cleaned topology and weaponized the shit out of it:
Turret, cannon and gatling gun are part of: (CC0)
If enough people is interested i will texture it.
Attribution Instructions:
Killyoverdrive attribution is needed if you are using this.

Danimal: Killyoverdrive specified license as CC-By-SA, and this means attribution is required. He doesn't ask for a specific way. This means you may attribute him with his nickname (or real name if you know it) and you should have a link. Your attribution is ok but anyone downloading this resource should know this.
How many tris is this model? If the tri-count is not too high, it was textured and we are able to make some modifications to it (separate the turret from the body, remove the gatling guns near the front) this could be a strong candidate for the UGV (unmanned ground vehicle) we are working on implementing in UFO: Alien Invasion. Implementation is still a ways off, but having a nice model will certainly encourage it to be finished more quickly.
Hello H-Hour, im not sure i will texture it, but it wouldnt be so difficult since it is composed of mostly straigth lines, turret with cannon is already in a separate layer, model has a mirror effect, so you only need to separate the right front gatling before applying it, which is pretty easy to do since it barely touches the drivers cabin.
With all weapons removed it is 3123 vertexs, 1288 faces and 2460 tris, BUT this can be dramatically lowered if all the round shapes (exhaust tubes and suspension) are reworked (currently they use 16 vertex multiplied by 3 to make them have that shape), removing them makes the basic vehicule 1678 vertexs, 614 faces and 1168 tris. Making them octos will not make the count skyrocket anymore.
What are you guys aiming for in poly count? I contributed to the project a long time ago, migth as well do it again.
1000-1500 tris is better for us than 2500 tris, I think. We've got some placeholder UGV models but they're pretty bad if you ask me. This fits our near-future, military-tech kind of world and looks like it's got the right scaling we need.
I'll keep this in mind as we progress. To be honest, if a model isn't at least unwrapped, myself or other modellers are usually more interested in building their own concepts. If a model is properly unwrapped, a basic skin is not too difficult and the anims for a UGV would be straightforward for us, I think. But you never know, we might find someone willing to do the unwrapping. UGVs won't be in our next version anyway, so it's still a ways away.
What did you contribute in the past? I didn't pull up any hits for danimal in our licenses file, but a lot of people are credited under their real names.
It was many years ago, on some kind of pistol-syrenge the aliens used to inject the controlling virus, guess it went unused. Also, concepts are really important to 3d modellers, you shouldnt slack on those
+1 for texturing
I would love to use the model and the weapon and hardpoint (seperately). However i am not sure if i can texture it myself and so completely white would look rather strange ;)
Hi rainbow, the guns and mounts were taken from shipyard, so they are separate. What kind of texturing do you need? maybe i can do it
Hello Danimal,
I have some ideas for the texture:
First the Wheels or tracks should look like wheels or tracks.
Most of the top could stay white and look a bit like an imperial walker.
The front where the cocpit is would need seperate colors like the glas, not sure how exactly.
The top hardpoint and weapon could have something more agressive maybe red lines.
That would just be my first idea.
You mean realistic, cartoonish or pixely?
I mean realistic.
I can try my hand but it will take a lot of time since i dont have much free time lately.
ok i dont need it right today since the game is not yet finished.