my feedback / ideas for FLARE
my feedback / ideas for FLARE
i have some feedback and ideas for flare
1: the lightning attack seems a bit strong, i think it needs a bit cooldown. Killing the final boss was so easy with that attack for me.
2: the shared stash allows kind of cheating because it is shared across all saves. You could put in your gold (with your higher level character) and buy portions and scrolls on a different game for much less (with a lower level character) and access these portions with your higher level character.
3: the final boss is too easy for me. I destroyed all grave stones before attacking him (1 vs 1 fight).
one idea i have is a superpower like spawning a minion (like the mino necromancers do)- or maybe a shield
the other idea is that the gravestones can't be destroyed, with less gravestones with a lower spawn rate and maybe only one living enemy per gravestone.
4: something like shroud in wesnoth
5: current level and gold are not shown in hud, you need to go into inventory for gold and into character menu for your level.
6: more kinds of levers / buttons (maybe buttons that change into off-state a few seconds after activating them, or buttons that can activated with a ranged attack only)
Hi, im jumping in as well:
1 Story is told in an uninteresting way; it needs more dialogue and cutscenes. The book on itself is too vague of an story drive. It should be explained more clearly and present like a "Book of redemption", the one who manages to get their name in there is considered worthy of coming back to the city.
2 The whole world is just centered around that book, you are missing a lot of potential world building. Everything feels extremely lineal, just one city with 3 persons, and levels that connect to the next without much explanation of what to do or expect.
3 Just a handful of skills, that all heroes can learn regarding initial type selected. Need more specific ones
4 The names of the hero classes... Brute? c´mon call him swordman at least.
5 Something else to pour your money in, not that many useful items on vendors. Money just overflows unused.
I agree, the shared stash is weird. Why is it shared across saves?
It probably shouldn't do that. At least not in the Empyrean Campaign.
Does Flare even support normal (un-shared) chests?
Also, guys, just let the Empyrean Campaign be. It's finished. Maybe (maybe!) some minor tweaks (low-hanging fruit) could be done here, and of course bugfixes, if needed (I am not aware of any bugs). But I would not make major changes or put much more time into it.
In general it's probably better to move on and create new Flare-based games or focus on other projects and grow in experience. :-)
That's just my humble opinion.
Yes, thats true most likely, but its a pity some parts of it are so poorly documented. I wanted to get some new creeps in there but i have no idea of how to...
some more points again...
1: flying units / monsters can be hit by bear traps OMG - they are not even touching it
2: the game needs difficulty levels
3: There is an easy and really silly way to kill Metzger when you have a ranged attack that is far enough (when playing adept or scout):
> when you go to him and he recognizes you, teleport back to the "platform" where the 2 enemies were
> he tries to follow you but does not use the "teleporter" - but you can hit (and kill) him from this distance
4: these shooting cursed graves are hitting you only if you are too close or if you are walking directly into the "shot", I think this makes them a bit weak. Maybe the "rotation offset" could be a bit random to make it harder.