Minimalist Pixel Fonts
Minimalist Pixel Fonts
A few different minimalist pixel fonts I've made, that I wanted to share with the OGA community.
Set the point size to multiples of 16 for best results.
Also, the preview may not be pixel-perfect, but the fonts should be at sizes that are multiples of 16.
Downloadable TTFs here (Yes, the license is different at fontstruct but I'm making them CC0 here for convenience for you guys):
Also TTFs attached in zip form.
It'd be awesome if you let me know if you use them.

So cool! Thanks for sharing!
I like these fonts! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, using it as we speak. Great font!
I'll be using this in Game Crash Console coming up just fyi, great fonts
Amazing fonts! The ones I was using earlier were too small. Love them!
I used this font in my 2D PVP platformer with grpapling hooks, Grapplers: Relic Rivals, and added you to the credits of the game. Thank you so much for making this - I love the way it looks!