Looking for programers for RPG game
Looking for programers for RPG game
Thursday, August 16, 2018 - 16:25
Looking for programmers for a basic RPG game. key aspects of the game are leveling up after fights and an element system. I am also looking for a number of other short game projects, I would like to have for mobile and online game sites.
Hey, I'm interested. What Engine do you want to use?
Hey I am able to program using Unity in C#, what is the details for the game?
beware Tyrantcomics.
he paid me 50usd to do the programming (it's programMers, btw) for his html rpg game, and expected me to do absolutely everything, which means all the art and music as well, apparently.
his english quite terrible (despite being a comic-book "author" and an american, as far as i can tell), he cannot express what he wants, which means expectations are nebulous at best.
FOREMOST, i was not the first programmer to work on this project. I was the third, i believe, and that kind of thing does not happen for no reason.
in short, Tyrantcomics is a dullard and a fool pushing people to make a complex product promoting his godawful comic at wages that near 0.50usd per hour. i think instead of working on the second and third editions of that comic he just berated me for not being done with the game (which he wants to monetize?).
while it's possible i'm mistaken in some regards here, that there are misinterpretations and what-have-you, red flags abound and this client is TO BE AVOIDED.
all that said, if anyone DOES choose against his or her best interest to work with him and thus inherits my messy code, reach out and i will be happy to walk you through how the framework operates. Or how the level editor i programmed for him operates (yeah i included a level editor, too, but whatever). frankly, i don't think it's too hard to figure out, but if anyone gets lost, they can find me here.
thanks. AND BEWARE
you are tyrantcomics.
good luck, a**hat. you're not only a bad writer, you're a bad person, to boot (it turns out). I hope your next comic gets a higher rating,,, one of five stars with a scathing review attached is pretty rough.
your payment challenge has been escalated to paypal, to whom i can provide a copy of the product i conceived while working with you.
seriously, man, i cannot believe your behaviour. I am absolutely flabbergasted, no, DISGUSTED, here, and if you push me, you'll not forget it. I hope you don't ever forget me, either, and that you shape up and start treating your programMers better.
you have no idea of what you're asking for, yet you've s**t on at least three of us thus far.
plus your english is atrocious and i have read your comic and it's
the game i came up with AND DELIVERED TO YOU is 10x better. jerk.
typed and edited: eric buisson
p.s. if anyone considering working for this man wants to know how i know that tech-whatever is tyrant comics, i can explain in a DM. (i'm not out here to dox or punish anyone, just to warn fellow programMers of a**hats.)
I mean someone is looking for a fight. calling people names. all because you did not want to finish a basic project.
This type of behavior is why I am looking for someone else.
Eric Buisson
1:12 AM (18 minutes ago)

to me

well shit i guess i cant BBB-bad review you. But your comics do so poorly that i'm not really worried about it. a**hat
Eric Buisson
1:17 AM (13 minutes ago)

to me
if course i could go on to create a BBB-bad review, considering we never had a contract, but that, while LEGAL, would be acting in BAD FAITH, so i'll not do that, unlike some i can think of at the moment

Eric Buisson
1:18 AM (12 minutes ago)

to me
*of course

Eric Buisson
1:24 AM (6 minutes ago)

to me
also, your sock account on OGA got sacked... that's how things are going to go from now on if you fight me. Not because i'm in with people (i sent no msgs to OGA admins, they merely apprehended the veracity of my statements), but because you are in the wrong. keep it up.
why dont you post the 200+ emails where i am kindly asking you if the additional steps i have taken are acceptable and / or desired? why dont you post the numerous email where you tell me the thing i have added AND PAINTED AND S**T is awesome and way above expectations?
why do you post the emails i'm writing this evening after you putting me in the red with paypal after deiciding i had not delivered 50usd of product? Should i place the archive with all the code here? Should i allow my work to be reviewed by more than one a**hat?
i'm still trying to find out who all those enemies were done by, since i had to do a decent amount of research here to find all the tilesets (NPC) you had given me and collect their license information (after you telling me that it doesn't matter, it's just a small game, etc.)... and then i find all the tile sets here with attribution req'd and you don't even care.
Let's go back even 1 week and find some messages... i bet they tell a different story.
yes, i will fight you over the FIFTY bucks you paid me to create your BS.
also, you CAN look for someone else. i WANT you to look for someone else, because you're awful.
Seriously, post ANY email before tonight and try to say i'm off-kilter. I've been nothing but kind and responsive until now.
and my current attitude exists not for no reason.
this is my last post on this forum topic.
sorry, MS.
Well, I was planning on posting some of the artwork used for the game on OGA. So, I could care less if the code is posted.
The reason this site was used. was do it being a very small game. custom art could always be made for the game. but, I don't believe you are going to finish this. someone else is just going to have to pick up where you left off.
PS. you are acting like a nutjob.
da*n sure not gonna finish it now.
you have incurred my wrath sir, with your absolute disregard for your labourers.
good luck
I'm out. Have found another game project:)
I have worked on multiple unity C# games/data based games, and I can work for free if need be. Could you send me the details?
The game was made with HTML, So, trying to move the game to unity or C# may be an issue.
Tyrantcomics, chances are that it would have a better outcome in unity and if you have a good enough programmer it will be easy to change it all.
Hmm. Unity does have tools to converting to HTML but I am not sure about converting to unity.
I'm a competent programmer, and I will probably want to create my own systems from scratch myself. I read through the thread again, and I wanted to make sure I am not doing the music and art If I wanted to do that I would make the game myself. Could you give me the details, please?
What I'm basically looking for is an overview of the project and a detailed design doc, If you have one already.
Honesty, I just want the game finished. As far as the game goes you walk around have random encounters level up, and have a chest with healing items. Its not that complex.
I am fine with you making the systems yourself, but that just adds time onto the project.
I will send you a DM with my email.
OK, thanks!
btw I can code in javascript with HTML if its absolutely necessary
You can do it. however, you want to do it.
Did you get my email?
I also want to confirm you are doing the art and music.
Third, do you have the game files to email to me?
hey, i would appreciate if you didn't use my code... tyrantcomics is attempting to force a refund and i don't think it's right that he or a contractor of his use something that he is not willing to pay for. Also, it's pretty messy and experimental, so you would probably be better off starting from scratch anyways.
if the refund dispute is decided in my favor, i will post here letting you know, otherwise i am gonna formally revoke his license to my work.
EDIT: i will also indicate the (few pieces of, but still he doesn't want to pay for it) artwork that i am revoking licenses to, if it comes to that.
Im sorry I cant help you, I have no idea what is yours or not
I also am just thinking of using the art assets and whipping something up from scratch in unity
i coded everything in the archive except audio.min, sscd.min, and, you know, jquery and the jquery input... prolly best to start from scratch...
MNDD.ecb I understand you are frustrated but you cannot ask willehren to not work on a specific section project when he has no idea who's code is who. This is a problem you should to address to the owner of the project.. not try to prevent everyone else from working on it. Also name calling is a bit ridiculous here
swear on muh grave the code was all made by me, so he can believe me that it's mine or he can choose not to, whatever. it was just a polite request, i'm not gonna push it, jeez.
and on the namecalling, what can i say? the guy ticks me off in a bad way. I don't think the namecalling ive committed thus far is sufficient actually, but i will keep it off-site.
And on the name calling stuff. its a bit much that he does not want to finish the project. and then is asking others not to finish the game. Just for the sake of spite.
And he has to rebuild the code anyway as he does not work with HTML has his primary code.
It's true name-calling is not appropriate here. Looks like it has stopped voluntarily, though, so that's a non-issue at this point. (I think an apology would help, but at this point I'm not sure it would really mend any relationships, so it may be best to just put that to rest.)
And, believe it or not, MNDV can ask that others not use his/her code; (s)he retains copyright to that code unless a specific license was agreed upon. Even then it sounds like the conditions upon which that code license was to be made available has been canceled by both parties. When you don't want to purchase a product any longer and you take your money back, you don't get to keep the product. It seem MNDV has clearly indicated which code is no longer licensed to this project. "Adapting" that code to another language or framework is inadvisable since it would be a derivative, not "starting from scratch".
...Which also seems like a non-issue since everyone wants to start from scratch anyway. A lot of talk about things that don't really apply any longer, people.
--Medicine Storm