Flare Map Generator
Flare Map Generator
I have produced a map generator that makes it easier for a programmer to produce new map levels.
One simply specifies where the rooms or open areas are, and the program automatically generates walls, ground and fauna.
The map generator can now be downloaded from http://www.filedropper.com/flaremapgeneration_1
IMPORTANT: Sorry that the map generator is not very user friendly at this stage. I have provided a list of instructions for each type of map. I guarratee that you will not know how to use the map generator if you haven't read the instructions. You should read the instructions for the cave map generator first, as that provides detailed instructions for beginners. The other two map generators assume you have read the instructions for the cave map generator.
IMPORTANT: This is an Ubuntu/Linux version of the map generator.
Here are some screenshots of some maps I made using the Map Generator. I could send these maps to anyone who is interested. I also created some new enemies, such as the Red Antlion, who burrow out of the ground and appear in swarms.
River Barrow
Valley Grove
Where can i find this generator? looks lovely btw.
I have not yet uploaded it, as it is not yet a finished application. If you are really interested, I could develop it for you.
Did it actually spam 5 of the same message? or is that just for me, And i wont make you do anything but i would prolly use it since im back to modding flare again, made a somewhat big mod a while back and i dont really have it anymore but the mapping takes so much time and it would help alot, sorry if it did send the message 5 times i dont know how it happend and if a admin could be nice and remove them for me i would really appriciate it, i cant remove them myself.
PS really really nice job on the generator but dont feel pressured, you might want to github it but thats all up to you
I'll be working again on the map generator sometime soon. I will tell you when it is completed.
Thank you, dont feel pressured to though just do it if you want.
These maps look pretty good. We could even integrate(I'm the one of flare lead devs) your map generator into game engine (if you agree of course) Could you upload your current code to some github repo and share the link?
I am pretty new to FLARE and stuff, but this map generatur surely looks promising. It would be really awesome if this becomes part of the engine, I guess. I think a lot of new awesome stuff could be created with it.
The map generator can now be downloaded from http://www.filedropper.com/flaremapgeneratortar
IMPORTANT: Sorry that the map generator is not very user friendly at this stage. I have provided a list of instructions for each type of map. I guarratee that you will not know how to use the map generator if you haven't read the instructions. You should read the instructions for the cave map generator first, as that provides detailed instructions for beginners. The other two map generators assume you have read the instructions for the cave map generator.
IMPORTANT: This is an Ubuntu/Linux version of the map generator.
Wayland, nicely done!
I have an interest in random map generation, and it is always interesting to see how other people generate random levels, thanks for sharing. Looking forward to see how your map generator evolves and grows in the future.
It's really not trivial to understand how to generate map, I have tried to find where calculation is located, but didn't find any macroses. Could you explain where the logic is hidden?
Could you explain exactly what the problem is and where on the program you are stuck. Are you using Ubuntu? The progams use LibreOffice Calc and the instructions use LibreOffice Writer. The calculations may not be compatible with other spreadsheet programs. The calculations are located on all the spreadsheets below the working area.
PS. At some stage I will be developing a C++ version of the map generatior that is easier to use.
I have already understood how it works. Each map cell has a formula in it, and map cell generation happens in few stages, so there are few intermediate maps.
That is correct, very good. But what exaclty is wrong and what exactly are you trying to do? If you have any problems, please feel free to leave a comment. Adding a picture that describes your problem would be helpful.
Sorry that the map generator is complicated to use. It's only really aimed at proffessional developers.
All is ok. It's just compilated for understanding the algorithm. And I wouldn't say it's aimed at professional developers. I would say it's aimed for OpenOffice programmers. Professional developers use programming languages (like C++, python etc)
is it possible to make a windows version of the map generator
I will at some stage be making an automated version of the map generator that will work on any platform. The current version may in fact work on Windows if you have OpenOffice installed.
DL is broken...
@TakeAShower, I hope Wayland reuploads it, it was an interesting project, I wish I had made a backup of.
I wonder if Wayland has made any progress since his last post? :)
I have an interest in procedural content generation, and have a couple repositories on Github that may be of interest to you:
This is a general random dungeon generator and is non game specific. Should be easy to convert the file format to Flare's file format, the tedious part would be with regards to the Flare tile and tileset definition files.
I was (still am) interested in working on a Flare generator, however Flare was not designed with the integration of a random level generator in mind, or an easy way to integrate one internally / externally. A stand alone generator may work best, however this defeats the most appealing point of a generator, where levels are different on each map load / play through. I have since come to the conclusion that it may be best to just hand craft Levels for Flare instead.
What we really need is Waylands awesome generator! :D
How do you run it?
There are instructions. It cannot actually be 'run'.
Generator has been reuploaded:
Wayland, thank you for the reupload, much appreciated!