Audio knobs, button, sliders etc.
Audio knobs, button, sliders etc.
Thursday, April 15, 2010 - 13:25
Art Type:
A collection of audio equipment related elements and two brushed metal backgrounds.
Note: all elements are on a transparent background (PNG).

impressive! and the preview is very well-done as well!
Great work! I love it!
i have no words, thank you very much!
awesome thanks!
very cool! along these lins i want to point out this software i've used for making custom knobs (windows only). i can't post links so just search for knobman by g200kg
very cool! along these lins i want to point out this software i've used for making custom knobs (windows only). i can't post links so just search for knobman by g200kg
Oh thank you very much!, I would recommed this to linux audio developers.
I've added them to my favorites a long time ago...but just now I realize that those dials and buttons and some additional numberpad-buttons would be great to build cockpit instruments.
@hc yes i've been thinking they could be used for any kind of technical instrument.
any idea on where to get more and different displays, dials, etc that fit these here.
very cool ... very clean & looks easy to use
I´m already using this stuff in an app. Fantastic! Thank you!
wrong category?
What an incredible job!
very cool !!