Finished / Polished / Playable LPC Assetts games?
Finished / Polished / Playable LPC Assetts games?
Thursday, January 17, 2019 - 10:14
Hello I'm making a game in the LPC style using mainly LPC assets. So I got to wondering are there any other finished / playable(by playable I mean has a decent amount of content / story and few to no bugs) games made using the LPC assetts I can play? commercial or non-commercial ok. I have really seen any and google search come up mostly dry with just older games that are are either not finished or have dead download links or never got past the planning phase.
hi there, I have been busy last years as well with creating an LPC based game. I plan to release it in the coming months, where I am currently almost ready for the beta test (2 months later than I announced before, but still I am psyched!). You can find more info here:
Also you can join the beta test program if you would like. Only catch is, it is currently iOS only.
What are you making? Very curious to know about it more!
I have zero IOS devices sadly. Good Work, but give your buildings shadows it will make them look 200% better.
Mine is game I'm thinking of calling the plnat kingdom since most of my work has been done around plants. Since I'm writing the engine myself at this point a really just have an engine and not a game. But that will change. I'm writing a story with some good hooks and as much comedy as the simpsons. Also will need some ENT (Walking tree) spirtes. Are there any on here?
I have done RPG with LPC assets. Whole adventure takes about 12 hours of game play. It is quite typical RPG where you create one character and you pick 3 more characters to your party. Where it differs from other RPG is that one can get roleplaying bonus from playing the character in the sameway. There are three different ways to roles to play: Goody good paladin, Mercenary for wanting more and more money, Brute that just wants to pick a fight.
Here is the link for Heroes of Hawks Haven:
Whole game is also opensourced available in github:
My game has also treants which are compatible with LPC:
There's also this one: . I had some correspondance with the author, who was active here for a while as ZaPaper. He had some original art commissioned as well, but most of it was not released on this site. A little bit frustrating, because I suspect some of them are LPC derivatives.
Do i have to re upload LPC art here I Simply colorized with gimp? I just went in Gimp to Colors .. Colorize and then played with the sliders.
Yes, recoloring assets would count as creating a derivative work, and you would be obligated to follow the license of the original asset. Some licenses (e.g. CC-BY) only require attribution, while others (e.g. CC-BY-SA and GPL) require you to share your derived asset under the same (or a compatible) license; see . It doesn't mean you have to share them here per se (although that's a nice option), just that you make them available somehow.
what if you recolor them programmatically in the game using open GL? How would you go about sharing them?
If it's just a palette shift or programmatic modification, that would not constitute a derivative. Also, a color change as simple as a hue shift in GIMP is almost never considered a change sufficient to be considered a derivative or trigger the -SA clause. The law in this case is sensitive to what a "reasonable person" would consider more than a trivial change. palette swaps rarely exceed that.
A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself if a "reasonable" intermediately skilled GIMP user could achieve the same changes in about 2 minutes or less, it's probably not really a "derivative". If it would take such a person longer than that, best to consider it a derivative and share the changes under CC-BY-SA and giving credit to the original artist as appropriate.
--Medicine Storm
That seems like a reasonable rule of thumb. Although the law is (of course) a bit more complicated than that, and varies by country. See: and , so others (or those in other countries) may disagree with your interpretation. I would say if it's practical to do so (e.g. if you make the modifications in GIMP rather than at runtime in your game), I'd err on the side of sharing.
what is wrong with the lpc assetts? Your posts only serves to bash commies and atheists.
Looks like Nikita Sadkov is back. Don't feed the trolls, folks.
Troll has been re-eliminated. Thanks for the prompt, bluecarrot.
--Medicine Storm
The troll did make me revisit this thread and remembered me of macmanmatty remark about shadows for the buildings.
I am wondering, as I think you have a very good point, do you have experience with this? Looking at for example the trees, they already have a shadow, as if the light source is coming from right above them. So how would you give the buildings shadows. Just some on both sides of the buildings, extending a bit overhead?
And would you for example draw them manually and just add them to the scenes?
I am wondering, struggling a bit with this now. Please let me know if you have some ideas!
The LPC base assets have some shadow tiles; I usually put a layer above the background/terrain and below the building itself and draw the shadows there. You can see an example on my colonial tiles: . It's a bit finicky and I wasn't super careful about it, so you can see some mistakes in the preview even.
what language frame work are you using? The easy way is just have a soild black 32*32 texture with buildings outline that is set somwhere between 4.-.6 on the alpha channel. So It makes the tiles nearer darker.
The more complex way is to make a floor plan of the building using a pixmap and the make make that floor plan soild black and then make it about .4 - .6 alpha transparent.
the best fastest way is to write custom open gl vertex shader / fragment shader that makes tha shadows for you.
Thnx for the quick feedback! I think Bluecarrot's solution would be the easiest and for the rendering ie performance less expensive solution. It will require a bit of work, but I guess it will be not that hard. I will give it a shot.
I am using SpriteKit ( and there is some API that enable you to add light to a scene. So I did that, and indeed it can draw shadows etc. The nice thing is that depending on the source of light location, the shadows drop differently (just as what you would expect it to do). However, it is not very usable, as the shadow will extend indefinite. This is a limitation of the implementation in the framework, and I am not able to workaround it (see also here:
Therefore I think bluecarrots solution will be most fit. For characters, I draw a copy of their rendering in black with an alpha of 0.4. offset it a bit, and really looks quite well. Would have been nice to use the dynamic lightning features of the framework, but it appears t0o be just to limited for now:(
Bluecarrot, you mention "The LPC base assets have some shadow tiles", do you maybe have a link where I can find them?
NVM found them already!
It's in the LPC base assets UI, for anyone else looking