Sharing Art Challenge Duties

Sharing Art Challenge Duties

withthelove's picture


Hi all!

Over on the discussion thread for the new OGA layout, chasersgaming made the point that we ought to rotate responsibility for running Art Challenges on OGA.

He suggested a 'Winner's Out' approach, where whomever wins the challenge picks a topic and runs the next one.

I'm not sure that would work for everyone, sometimes the winner may not be able or interested in running the next challenge.

However, I have an idea for an alternate approach that might work:

Maybe we could do a thread where we solicit volunteers to commit to running an Art Challenge for a month.  Like we say 'We want to run challenges every other month this year, so we need a volunteer for Jan, March, May, July, September, November.'  (or whatever the target schedule is)  And then folks can respond and commit to running a challenge for whatever month they think works for them. 

If you run the challenge, you get to pick the theme, so there's some incentive to run one, and by asking for volunteers at the beginning of the year, we'd give folks plenty of time to respond.

As an aside (but a well related and important one)

Are these all the steps involved in running an Art Challenge?


1) Come up with a topic

2) Make a thread announcing and detailing the Challenge including providing the tag for folks to use on their submissions

3) Validate submissions as they come in.  Ie. verify they meet the challenge criteria and are licensed properly.

4) Check favorite counts and declare a winner


Should there be a post announcing the switch from th submission to the voting period?

Also, most of us would definitely need help from a proper admin to get stuff to appear on the front page.