Concept Art as Musical Inspiration Experiment
Concept Art as Musical Inspiration Experiment
Hello everyone!
I had the idea the other day that it might be a really fun project to write game music based on concept art designs made by others from the Opengameart community. I know I could go through and just pick something through search but I think it could be a neat experience to talk to artists about their art and hear what they think about how it might sound if it were 'songified.'
So if you have art of an awesome area/level or a really interesting character that could benefit from having their own theme song, go ahead and throw down a link! No guarantees I can make a song for EVERYTHING posted, but I will do my best.
I know I am asking for art posts for myself personally, but if any other musicians want to join in on this, I think an Art for Music Exchange has potential to be a very cool idea and I know for me personally if there was some organized version of this where people could post art publically (or it could even work backwards--artists design something from a song) and collab with artists from other mediums to more fully flesh out a general theme, I would be all over it.
LMK if anyone thinks this is a good idea as a larger project, otherwise if you are an artist, please post some cool art you've done and I will try to capture it in song!
I like this idea! What does this sound like?
--Medicine Storm
Already started!
I'd love this boy to get a theme song;; I have not yet been able to think of anything good for him myself,
I might want to join in on this @joth it sounds quite cool!! My music might not be as good as yours tho
Can you tell me a bit about his personality? And the tone of the game he was meant for? I don't want to make like an epic metal theme if it turns out he is a chill dude if you understand haha 'Dryad' is finished!
Wow. I think that fits the art pretty darn well! Nicely done. I like it.
--Medicine Storm
Well, the character is a sword fighter, He is kinda small and trying to prove himself, but he has a weakness of getting easily provoked. He might be a bit naive too...
I have the start of something, but I'm not sure which instruments to use to describe him. Do you have any ideas?
Hmm, probably Asian instruments and frame drums, lots of percussion.
can it idea help you theme song about of muscles,imagine a man SUPER muscled with lot muscles. ??
there is not music about muscles or feel it ambient of muscles in oga.
i am no insert images why i am not meet images free, but if they are not problems i insert her.
Oh. I love the concept. In fact I am currently working on a music based on an idea of a concept artist. I would love to join the community of art for music exchange. Sounds like a really cool idea.