Futuristic city concept
Futuristic city concept
Pretty much what it says on the tin. Part of an old worldbuilding project of mine. Made with POV-Ray.

Pretty much what it says on the tin. Part of an old worldbuilding project of mine. Made with POV-Ray.
Would it make sense to share the 3d files?
There you go. I'm not sure how much sense it makes, as POV-Ray files are largely useless with other tools, but you can read them and extract the exact measurements at the very least (everything's in meters).
claudeb, I think qubodup meant that you should at least share the 3D model file (ex .BLEND file).
I just did. The .pov files are the 3D models. There's nothing else, I've created the scenes all by hand.
Thanks for sharing, i'll certainly use your building designs for my game FAR Colony ( http://farcolony.blogspot.com/ )
Thanks for sharing, i'll certainly use your building designs for my game FAR Colony ( http://farcolony.blogspot.com/ )
W00t! Glad to hear you're finding them useful. I'd like to hear about your progress, and if you need more specific scenes, let me know.