The Fall ALL-OGA Game Jam! 2019
The Fall ALL-OGA Game Jam! 2019
It's that time of year again, leaves are falling, time to fall ourselves, fall in love with some spectacular OGA powered games that is!
Announcing The Fall ALL-OGA Game Jam! 2019
This will be an 'all-OGA' jam similar to last year's Fall game jam, so all art/music/sound must come from or be made available on OGA by the end of the jam, with an exception for logo, title and musical theme related art.
Jam runs from November 1 to midnight November 30.
Asking entries to include a list of credits in the description text as well as in an in-game credits this time. Other than that, rules are pretty much same as ever. See the page for full details.
There's an optional theme of 'Harvest Time' with a recommendation that folks harvest some great game ideas from XomAdept's game ideas thread:
thanks to Chasersgaming for drawing Sara for the banner, and to LisadiKaprio and
ansimuz for their OGA submissions that chasersgaming and I used to create the full banner. (see the itch page for proper credits ;)
I have a set of 'Made For..' logos made up. They basically just tack 'Made For' on top of the Jam banner. Will post shortly, but if anyone else wants to take a crack at a 'Made For' banner for the jam, feel free!
I think you can used 'pre written' code (basecode) as long as the code is not used or touched until the start of the jam, (if your just using it now then i don't see a problem) HOWEVER, withthelove would be the one best to answer this question as he is running the jam. :) I'm sure he will respond soon, if not then send a PM. :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
@chasersgaming but there's not a minute to waste x'3
@Spring thats true, i would do it then, I'm sure withthe love will be fine with it. :) i don't have an issue with them using the tutorial code. :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
@xhunterko: Yes, using tutorial or example code is totally ok. You're also welcome to recycle code from other projects you've done. The idea of these jams is that the /game/ is something new and original and created within the time frame of the jam, but it doesn't have to be created purely from scratch. It's ok if bits and pieces of it come from existing frameworks (eg. engines like Unity, Unreal or Game Maker, etc) or code from other projects, or coding tutorials, etc.
Alrighty, thanks for letting me know!
I mean, if this lilttle idea doesn't work there's always 'spit out giant platformer map' and call it a day.
Oh dear, my xbox controller just broke. Thats completely buggered everything up now.:( not sure how im going to get around this. not good.
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
not long now! hows everybody doing?
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
I just gave up. xD
@Spring thats a shame, sorry to hear you gave up, although i thought i might have to with my controller issues, but then i thought il just try and do my best with out it. Testing is difficult but hey ho it is what it is. :)
anyone else fairing any better? :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
There's not a good lpc or 16x16 tank sprite is there? Unless I'm missing something. Otherwise, this is silly. There THAT'S the right image.
Does your game only work with an xbox controller and nothing else?
@Spring, keyboard and Xbox controller, but both players cant use the keyboard, one has to use the controller. Il need to add a PS4 controller support, or something else, but im to bogged down with other stuff in my game, and the controller(what had already been implemented) will have to wait until last, if i make it in time that is. :) i may be hoping for the best here. hahaha :)
@xhunterko I was looking for ages in that image to find a tank, haha, then i realised what you mean by the brown square. i need some sleep. :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
*chucks it on the fail pile*
It's just another one. I don't have the time to do all the credits. I would take too long unless I can do smoething like:
see attached credit file
then I'm sunk.
@xhunterko: I'll allow a late submission if you need just a little bit of extra time specifically for putting the credits in there. Just send me a link to the page for the game and there's a way I can add it to the jam even though the public submission period is over now.
Thanks man, but you don't have to. It would take me more than a couple days to get it done.
Thanks again though. I appreciate it.
@Xhunterko Thats such as shame buddy, I only just managed to submit with 2 minutes left! and i have just realised that i have uploaded the wrong file! (the buggiest one)
Let us know when you finished you project i'm sure we will still like to play it. :)
heres my submission anyway:
Asset collection here(not all were used):
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
@chasersgaming: If you really uploaded the wrong file, go ahead and upload the right (less buggy) one. IIRC, I made the same mistake on an earlier jam (pretty sure I uploaded an incomplete package that would insta-crash) and you let me upload a corrected build, so I have no problem returning the favor.
@xhunterko: as long as all you are working on is getting the credits in there, it's ok if you take a day or two to do it.
These jams are about having fun and showing off OGA art, so as long as you've met the spirit of the rules, I am ok bending them a bit.
Dunno if I'll finish it or not. There's also a question of a ethical font that may or may not be legal.
Only 2 entries o.o
I have to admit, I'm a bit disappointed, too. Don't get me wrong, it's just that I really liked the idea behind the jam. All those assets that hardly see any use. I wonder what went wrong here, after all it's been only eight people to begin with that joined. If you have, I don't know, 20 entries and five people can't finish on time you still have 15, but this way it seems kinda pointless.
@withthelove thats very kind of you matey, but it is what it is, my own fault, i think changing it now wouldn't be fair to the other submission, il just wait until the voting ends and update it then, those that want to play it again can for maybe a better experiance (still buggy but playable)
@Spring,yeah just 2 entries, that is a shame, but more chance to win. ;)
@crazyduckgames so your my competition eh? hahaha, only joking its just as bit of fun and it is disapointing that there were only 2 submissions, but whats important is there have been projects created using OGA assets and i'm sure like me you got something from your project in terms of experience, i dunno trying something different perhaps, or youve managed to get the beginnings of something bigger for the future! :) I'm not sure anything went wrong, most likely just the wrong time of year for most, maybe some could comment as to why they wanted to join but didn't? i'm sure the feedback would be good for future Fall Jams, or any jam in general.
Just like to say thank you to @withthelove for taking the time hosting the jam again. Cheers mate! :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
Well done guys! Going head to head :) Leading up to the silly season might be the wrong time of year. I personally got bogged down with Christmas related stuff that had to be done first :( .... Maybe next time hey.
@chasersgaming: if it's really just a matter of you uploading the wrong file, I say please go ahead and upload the correct one. Think of it this way, no one wants to play the buggier version of your game just because you clcked the wrong file, and crazyduckgames probably doesn't want to win the jam for the same reason either. So in a way, fixing a silly mistake like that is actually the fair thing to do for everyone involved.
@all: I'll say for us folks in the States the Thanksgiving holiday always makes November a tough month for extra curricular projects. Last year we did the Fall Jam in October with better participation.
However, we've also run /alot/ of jams in the last year, it's entirely possible we might have over done it and should maybe step back and shoot for one or two jams a year instead of four.
The previous jams have also gotten a fair bit of 'foot traffic' from, a few participants have even reported learning about OGA because of a Jam. I'm not really hip to what happens on or how it decided to promote what, but it's entirely possible previous Jams have benefitted from better/more promotion on for whatever reason (like maybe there were fewer other jams going on at the same time, etc).
You can upload the right file, I definitively don't have a problem with it. I didn't take part in the jam to win, I just wanted a motivation to do something different beside my main projects.
Well. This is what this assets credit said to do. So. Do asset and contest credit listings? Find differently copyrighted assets to make credit listing easier?
@xhunterko: What is the OGA submission for those assets?
For the contest, you don't need to provide credits beyond the basic info for the OGA submission (name, author, license, URL link). If the asset pack has it's own internal set of credits (like this one appears to) you don't need to include those, just so long as you credit the OGA submission for the asset collection. Interested parties can then follow the link and see the specific credits from there.
If you want you could toss a line in there like 'This asset is derivative of many other works, see asset OGA page for complete details.'
As a general rule, with derivative assets (assets that include or are derived from other assets) you need only credit the specific asset you used. You don't need to credit the original assets. They are credited by the derivative asset and that is enough. Otherwise, as you point out, crediting derivative assets would be way too complicated.
Does that help?
And the winner is...
Cursed Forest
by Crazy duck games
Congratulations crazyduckgames!
Thanks everyone for participating, even those who weren't able to finish in time!
Not a huge turn out for this one, but I still really enjoyed both entries and think Cursed Forest would have been a strong contender even in a more crowded field. Great work and for those who didn't make the deadline, do keep us posted on your progress! :)