Ideas for games
Ideas for games
Hello everybody. I create this topic for people who have interesting game ideas, but know that they will never have the time / motivation to program the game they think about.
If you want, you can give your ideas here to other programmers so they can make the game themselves.
I am starting with this one :
a "Worms" clone, with retro graphics, using this image from OGA.
I even thought about a name for this game : "Annelids".
I don't know if we can require crediting for being the author of an idea we post here, personnally I don't mind to be credited.
Wow, that's an AMAZING idea!!! This make me remember of the movie Brother Bear... have you watched it?
3.0.5 Version: The Indians can transform into their Animal Spirit for completing missions.
And the Animal Spirits could use this system:
"AS Points
There's also now the AS (Animal Spirit) points. The more points you get, the more animals you can be. You earn AS points by killing animals, finding animal totems or achieving important missions."
Or this system:
"Animal Spirits
When you spawn as a indian, you have a Animal Spirit. For example, you can have the Bear Spirit, so you can transform yourself into a bear. Your Animal Spirit will be with you forever, and you can't change it."
What about it?
Haven't seen brother bear sounds good :) the Indians would keep the same spirit animal then you are forced to collaborate to achieve tasks. Is there folklore about an Indian that can change spirits? That could be the storyline :) The strength/abilities of the spirit could be increased by collecting totems. Great idea!
I like both ideas.
The animal survival game, and the Indians with their "animal spirit".
These are good new ideas :)
3.1.0 Version: "The Tribe Update.
The forest are full of predators. Bears, ounces, other animals. You can't survive for a long time alone. You need help. For your luck, as an Indian, you live in a tribe. You and the other members of the tribe will have to collaborate if you want to survive. And don't forget, the enemies are not only animals. White peoples can kill you also. Collect totems to increase you abillities as a bear, a fox or other animal."
Game war with ghost
You means, a war against ghosts? Or a war between ghosts?
A game about becoming a necromancer starting from a rejected novice, with gritty stuff like having to harvest "ingredients" by killing stuff, then throwing them into a pot and see what abomination comes out. Dont forget nasty spells and a land to conquer, all with lots of dark comedy and genre mockery.
I have only seen a game that did it in an interesting manner, and it was cancelled.
I just had the most ingenious idea for a furry game!
Can you tell us this idea, please?
is it ok if I just have the ideas of NSFW ( lewd) game's gameplay???
Probably not. Although we encourage all forms of expression via games, we try to remain kid-friendly. There is rarely an issue with using game assets found on OGA within a NSFW game, but hosting and discussing the NSFW components themselves is discouraged. There are some anatomical (nude) sprites and models on the site, but the nudity is not for the purpose of titillation or lewdness. Sorry. :/
--Medicine Storm
- An RTS game in which there is a merfolk faction that has water buildings and water infantry. It can be done using an existing engine (MegaGlest or 0ad's Pyrogenesis engine), but it would be a nightmare to balance, since they would be terrible on land and overpowered on water.
- A Baldur's Gate clone. It can be done using the GemRB engine or the Flare engine with some tweaks, but it would have to have a really cool story, and it's not easy to invent one.
- A 4x game. It would be a nightmare to program, especially the AI. I'm not aware of any FOSS engine for 4x games.
My dream gameplay is the combine between Turn Base Strategy and Beat Em Up game.
Summary: It is the Turn Based Strategy game where you can recruit the Army, hire the Heroes, try to rescue your heroes from the enemies' prison if they be captured.
This game included World Map, Battle Map and these Beat Em Up mission.
1/ The World Map:
The huge plain which include many cities. This is where you manage your cities, build army, hire heroes. Its manager menu include:
- Buid: upgrade your city to gain more tax and unclock new unit.
- Army: Buy your army unit.
- Heroes: pay money to research World Map, to unclock new Heroes mission ( how to hire them).
- Beat Em Up.
- Properties: Where to check everything of your. How many gold left, How many cities you have, the heroes' ability,...
2/ Battle Map: Every Army can store as much as 10 unit. These type of Units be limited,too. But Every type of unit have their own weakness and advances. The Units can't level up.
Every Hero have their own ability ( Magic; improve ATK/DEF;...). We can combine them to every unit, to improve the Army's strength on the Battle Map.
* Different to Heroes of Might and Magic, we can't lev up the Heroes, or order them to study more magics,too. That is why we need to hire better and better heroes to help us.
3/ Beat Em Up mission:
Every Hero have his/her own Beat Em Up version ( include different fighting combo, HP,...). Have many kind of mission:
- Rescue: If a hero be captured on the battlefield, you have to send another hero fight to the enemies' camp, to rescue the captured hero.
- Dungeon clear: send your hero to clear the Dungeon, to earn money or unclock the special unit for your army system.
Hm... Now, look back the gameplay, I feel it look like Heroes of Might And Magic, but combine with Beat Em Up mission and the manger system from Romance of The Three Kingdoms game. --"
Gunz, that style exists, i have played a few of those, mostly on handheld consoles:
Heroes of Mana
Spectral Force Genesis
Generation of Chaos
(these ones up there are not exactly Beat Em Up)
XBOX: Kingdoms under fire (3D but awesome game)
Sega Saturn: Dragon Force
Actually the closest one to your dream is Kingdoms under fire(the first 2 ones), but its not 2D
thank you. I have just check these game.
Yeah, they basicly use the same idea as me. Although almost of them use RTS concept in Battle Map more than Turn Based Strategy like Fire Emblem. The only different is they don't include Beat Em Up mode.
Thank you for sharing the information. I can learn more from these game. ^^
I am updating the list of ideas for the upcoming jam right now.
I will launch it this week, in some days.
Updated. There are now 23 ideas in the list.
Is this thread still open?
--Medicine Storm
I will update the list of ideas one of these days.
I will remove some of them (the ones which have been used).
I remind everybody that Annelids has been made :
and that a Game Jam took place with these ideas, on Itch :
When will we make the next Game Jam based on OGA ideas?
Fall? Winter?
If Winter, in end of 2020 or beginning of 2021?
Do we make an art challenge to produce art dedicated to this jam?
Like we did with this art challenge :
Game jam themes are set by the host, as you run the Winter jam, i was under the assumption that the 'ideas for games' theme would come under your jam matey. :)
As for for the next jam to start that would be up to yourself. The fall jam ends November, and the Spring jam starts April 1st(based on last year) so i would do it inbetween those dates. :) as for the art challenges, you would need to talk to withthelove as i believe he has been working on a scheduled list for the year, and i'm sure he would be more than happy to help. :)
In my opinion i wouldn't remove any games from the ideas. theres nothing wrong with anyone having ago at a game that has already been made. Perhaps they may put there own spin on the idea. :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
Another idea (not mine)
@Name By Any Other Rose :
I knew this one, but I had totally forgotten.
Thanks for reminding me this. I will add it to the list.
It also reminded me of this (which I will add too) :
@chasersgaming :
I think the best moment for launching a Winter Game Jam would be the 1st January. And maybe an art challenge based on these ideas in December.
About exploiting ideas several times : There is already the risk that an idea might be used in several games during the same Game Jam. That can be accepted (it seems unavoidable, anyway), but I think once an idea has been exploited during a game jam (in 1 or more games), it should be removed from the list. I do not see the point in having countless versions of the same idea (while other interesting ideas are not worked on).
What do other people from here think?
That sounds fair. If somebody does get inspired by a used idea, they could work on and upload it separately from the game jam and simply link the idea that inspired them.
Yet another idea;
This is based on a recurring dream I've had a few times and want to see in game form! It'd be an open world 3D underwater game from a 1st person perspective. In the dream I'm a scuba diver exploring freely, admiring the ocean life, but always with the constant worry that there's a shark around... and sure enough, sometimes I see a HUGE great white nearby and once you see the shark, it's avoidable but very hard to escape if the shark sees you. It could be a pretty intense game for selachophobia (shark phobia) sufferers brave enough to face their fears ;) especially if the graphics are near photorealistic.
As for the point of the game, I'm imagining a graphics-oriented edutainment/survival game where you have to collect real-life facts about different fish but realistically, some things are trying to eat you in the process. There would be a resource-collecting mechanic to improve your gear so sharks do less damage and to improve your camouflage and speed, among other things.
There should also be several kinds of sharks each with different attributes, like Mako sharks being the fastest, and hammerheads having the most range of view. Your improved gear will help you outspeed or hide from certain sharks. You might also need improved speed to help you catch up to fast fish you need to record, like Marlins, or improved camouflage to record fish that swim away from you.
I could go on and on the more I think about it!
Another cool concept;
List of ideas updated :
I've been working on characters that are all food themed. You can download them all on this website if you search "food war".I was thinking of doing the game myself, but I'm not that good at programming. Anyone who wants can use my graphic designs :) I'll be uploading more things with the same theme like a background, more characters, ect.
Oh dear! I didn't realize my content needed a license until I read the Game Ideas document: All that Cat-bat stuff is OGA-BY. I'll submit something more formal as well, but in the meantime please proceed knowing it is officially licensed OGA-BY.
--Medicine Storm
Good. I will correct the list when there are also a title and url for the asset.
I have a new idea : Otters Basketball Championship.
This gif gave me the idea :
EDIT : I made some images of what the game would look like (see attachments)
I used the following assets for this :
Cute uwu! And a very unique idea :3 I like when old assets get flipped to new ways :3
@XomAdept: Otter Basketball! I love it! I also love that they are playing in a pool, because of course! :)
Another idea, a portal opens and we get invaded by fantasy world creatures, or the opposite, we invade them. It could fit any genre.
Hi everyone! I have several ideas at once that I want to bring to life, and judging by how many people joined the discussion, they can help me with this.
Idea 1. (I'm working on it now) 2D games are now presented in the most primitive platformers. In my opinion, this is not necessary. I want to make a 2D game with an open world divided into sectors (meteors, abyss, hot stars) with randomly generated enemies, ship wrecks, and meteors for mining.
idea 2
at the beginning of the game, the player is given a maze card to remember, and a limited time. the player must remember the sequence (to the right, to the left, 2 more times to the left and again to the right); the player runs through the maze (from dogs, demons and other nasty things). The most important thing is that if the player is mistaken, he does not die immediately, but continues to run through the maze until he stumbles upon a wall. it should be very exciting.
idea 2 can be developed to a series of games (series 2 the character got out of the maze, but lost his memory, he became a worker / slave, (part 1 performing various quests, construction, part 2, aggressive opponents attacked the owner of the protagonist, you need to defend against them) / save the owner from enemies with practically no weapons, in battle the main character is hit on the head and he remembers who he is))
part 3, the main character must cross vast distances and find a sorceress who imprisoned him in a labyrinth, but on the way he will need to get food and fight the bandits.
Part 4 The main character finds a witch, but she turns him into a frog and throws him into a swamp. the player must hunt insects, hide from snakes and make sure that his frog does not dry out (for this, he must dive into the water every 2-3 minutes). Traveling over a larger map, the frog meets a mousetrap with a mouse inside. the main character must find a tool (stones and sticks for the lever) and use them to save the mouse. as soon as the mouse is saved, the main character will see a house among the trees.
part 5
the frog must get to the sorceress through the mouse holes (the main character is the rescued mouse); the mouse must help the frog get to the witch, fight the evil rats and not be caught by the black cat.
further transformation back into a human, victory over all bad people, and the salvation of all good people. it can look anything you like. in fact - a series of mini games, with completely different controls, and from different genres.
@Spring @withthelove : glad you like my idea, guys :)
@VladimirP : interesting concept, thanks.
As you mentionned a maze, it gave me another idea.
What about a 3D game (FPS ?) set in this maze : ?
3D is also possible, and it will look good, but there is a problem: in 3D it is difficult to create an escape from someone, and if this moment is not there, it will just be a walk until the player finds a way out. but you can do it for a limited time, then it will make sense.
fps in a maze is not original, such games have already been
oh god, I watched this video to the end, and it seems to me I'm losing my mind
I could not write earlier, after watching the video I changed my mind, Xom Adept's idea is brilliant
@VladimirP : I just saw now that you changed your mind.
Thanks :)