Arkana-FTS GUI
Arkana-FTS GUI
Hi guys,
We were not sure when to publish our GUI pieces but the contest changed our mind :)
Sorry for the preview being in jpg format, I cound not upload the png because of a few kbytes too much. :-(
So, here is our building kit for medieval GUIs. There are 34 ready-to-use GUI elements already defined for CEGUI.
This GUI has originally been drawn from scratch (Except the tooltip) by moOshiE for the game "Arkana-FTS".
The CEGUI configuration files have been written by Pompei2 for the game "Arkana-FTS".
If you use this, please give credits to moOshiE and a link to the Arkana-FTS project ( Please keep it's name "ArkanaLook", thank you.
Licensed under CC-BY-SA
PS: We still have to make a better tooltip, when it's ready I will update this entry.

I love the font you have used for the messages. Its appealing and in character with a sort of retro (old-worldish) look you guys have put. Very nice.
I'm sorry to say that we didn't draw the font ourselves from scratch. It is also not part of this GUI package. (Maybe it should be?)
It's the font we use for our game. We combined a few open-source fonts and modified them a bit and fixed a few things to fit our needs, but the real awesomeness comes from the original fonts.
One of the original fonts (the one you want) is: Black Chancery (From Doug Miles' Black Chancery bitmap font. Outlines by Earl Allen & Doug Miles. Public domain.) Just google it.
Just found this and I think I'll be using it, I can use my own Fonts thats not too much of a problem but including it could help some people out. What I really want to see is a mouse pointer included that fits the theme (like a sword) included.
We are currently using this cursor in the game (same license):
The cursor was drawn by myself way before this great GUI has been drawn. moOshiE is still cool with the cursor, that's why there isn't one in there. Just to clarify, if the cursor doesn't fit visually, it's not moOshiE's fault, it's mine :)
May I ask you which project you are using it for?
Thanks but that pointer looks a bit like a trowel to me, I'm using the Vanilla lookandfell pointer for now until I find something else. I'd like to do a pointer that changes based on the 'race' being played, and ideally do some variations on the colors of the GUI elements too (though I dont know how yet).
My game is called Khazad and its a Dwarf Fortress like city builder still in early development, not surprizingly improved GUI is a big focus.
I've found and corrected a few errors you may wish to correct.
In the layouts for Button, EditBox, EditBoxNoRightBorder, Label, MultiLineEditBox and StaticText their are references to Fonts that dont exist (as their are not Fonts at all in the distribution) these cause non-fatal but confusing errors in the CEGUI.log.
Likewise Image has two references to an Image that's not available, again you get a non-fatal error message.
And lastly a fatal error occures when trying to use either type of ProgressBar, a CEGUI expert diagnosed it as being caused by a bad Renderer reference on the schema, lines 66 & 67 should have Renderer="Falagard/ProgressBar".
Hope you can correct these issues for future users, the Layout is now working fine for me and I'm liking it a lot.
You are correct, all these errors are due to me just copying the files out of our project. I should also have noted that they are only tested with CEGUI 0.5 (which is quite old by now) and that the progressbars were using our own renderer type.
Could you please upload your fixed files somewhere, so I can update this entry? I am sure that if I try to fix it without being able to test it standalone, I will miss some things.
looks good to me!