June 2020 Art Challenge - South Paw Pride
June 2020 Art Challenge - South Paw Pride
It's time for the June 2020 Art Challenge!
This months's theme is:
South Paw Pride
A while back Cougarmint pointed out the lack of love Lefty's often get in the video game world, so here's our chance to do something about it. Create a set of sprites where the characters are proper left handed. We're asking for more than just pixel flips here, these characters need to be obviously left handed and proud of it! Of course, there's no reason to stop at just character sprites, left handed monsters, left handed weapons, sounds that emphasize the left channel, songs of left handed joy, anything that celebrates south-pawdom will be accepted!
The submission with the most favorites by close-of-vote wins!
Challenge and voting starts Monday June 1, 2020.
Have all your entries submitted by end of the day on Sunday, June 21st, 2020.
Voting closes one week after that at 11:59 PM Sunday, June 28th.
That's three weeks to submit and 1 week to vote.
You may start working on a submission as soon as you like.
There is no rule against starting or even finishing a submission in advance.
Just don't submit anything to OGA until the submission period officially begins.
You can 'favorite' as soon as you see a submission you like, no need to wait for anything.
Be sure to tag your submissions with both a "Challenge" and "South Paw Pride" tag.
Also, post a link to your submission in this thread as well.
That is so cool! It makes me wish I could do something along the lines of 3-D modeling. But I will need to come up with something pixel art-like for this. <3
I can't wait to see what people create for this. I am excited! (And yes, I'm more than ok with the credit, even though you didn't have to. ^^)
Hello ... I hope I understood the proposal of this challenge:)
here is my art link: (https://opengameart.org/content/left-handed-arcade)
@FaninhoSC: You got the idea right! 'Flip Left Duel' cabinet looks great!
*sigh* I missed the deadline because work kinda swamped me due to current events. I'm so sorry...
Congrats to FabinhoSC this month's winner!
Thanks for participating!
Nice :)
... but I really wish I had seen more arts competing on this theme.
I'm late, but Congratulations FabinhoSC. Medal awarded!
I think I had a few things in mind for this one, but I was worried they weren't really much more than a pixel flip.
--Medicine Storm