Open Valley idea/project
Open Valley idea/project
Hi, i'm trying to re-create with Flare a completely open source version (using the Liberated Pixel Cup asset) of Stardew valley... i have no idea if this idea will last or i'll get tired before, but I try XD
why i didn't choose godot as engine.
from my point of view godot is better and more performing (even if i speak as an ignorant), but i preferred flare mainly for two reasons:
1 i think few people use it for creating mod/games
2 i think it's less known than godot
so... sorry godot XD
I set the time, from 06.00am, to 00.30am, without using exp, and everything works correctly...
at 00.00am I set the status "new_day" that I would like to use, in some way, to activate the days...
but I can't set them correctly XD
# 06:10
# 00:00
set_status=new_day <-- I would like to use this status to change the day
# 00:30
(Here I would like to insert something that sets the mana to 50%... is it possible?)
if I set them in this way they all activate at the same time, instead I would like a different one to activate every time I activate the "new_day" status
# Power Definitions
status activates and works correctly, power does not activate with requires_status
For switching days, you would actually need "requires_not_status=tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday,sunday". A much easier way would be to flip to logic and use "requires_status=monday".
I did some testing and was surprised to see using "requires_status" didn't work. Turns out, for whatever reason, the key you want is called "visible_requires_status" instead. "visible_requires_status=06:00" will do what you want. If there's truly no reason for this naming difference, I'll extend the engine to support both.
I didn't remember that you can add status, with comma, sorry
for the rest, I thank you ^^
if I enter visible_requires_status and restart a saved game (even a newly created and restarted one) the game freezes XD
(I think it's in conflict with "unset_status")
if I remove visible_requires_status=6:00, from the power the game works
if I remove unset_status=06:00 from the event the game works
if I keep both... it freezes right after loading
(maybe i have to add respec_powers to the event)
the problem, in the day switch is that I was looking for a way to activate all of them, one at a time, at each start of the "new_day" status...
instead, as I have set that event... if I create 7, one for each day, it activates them all together LOL
I will work on it
Yes, you would have to create each tree spot tho one by one, in the enemy attributes there is a %chance for enemy to appear. The thing is they will reppear after reloading the map, but you can make a cople of status triggers for that, like "cut" and "uncut".
ok, so I have to create the trees as if they were enemies... I get it XD
I haven't quite figured out how and where to insert the %chance, but in the meantime I can make some trees, boulders, logs and grass appear, in the farm, in a relatively random way, using categories, which is still a step forward and a lot of work gets done XD
(the idea is to fill all the yellow part, tile by tile, then using the %chance, so you don't really fill everything, but let the engine do where to fill with what)
small problem:
the way I set it up, if I'm not wrong it should only activate the first event... instead it activates both.... I also tried to put a delay of 7 seconds, but they both activate anyway... where am I wrong?
# clock
# clock
dorkster fixed the bug that made the game freeze because of my clock, and now, finally, the clock works (even visually)
now i just need to figure out how to implement the days of the week, dates and seasons XD
I tried setting the days of the week.... they work from monday to saturday... when activate sunday (last in the order in which I wrote) it activates in the same moment also the monday (first in the order in which I wrote)...
if I put Sunday, as before, the same thing happens with Saturday...
here you can find the txt file with the events... can someone help me to solve it?
ok, problem solved... modify the event of sunday, removing the "unset_status=saturday" and insert it in a new event with a delay of 10ms
Is it possible to disable (maybe with an event) the auto-save when changing maps?
In engine/misc.txt, you can set "save_onload=false" to disable saving when changing maps. You can then use "save_onexit=false" to disable auto-saving when the player exits the game. You may also want to set "save_oncutscene=false" if you plan on using cutscenes.
To then save the game manually, you can use "save_game=true" in an event.
thanks, now i disable everything and create a trigger event with save_game=true
so you can only save at a specific point :)
i have a problem... i post an event to explain better:
the part "requires_status=new_day" is not read, and the event triggers even without the status "new_day" being active
is this intentional?
# monday
I'm unable to reproduce that issue. For me, the event correctly triggers only when "new_day" is set. Perhaps you have another event that's setting the new_day status?
I looked in the shell (with f5) if that status was active and no, it's not active... but when I restart it jumps a day ahead...
the only two things that activate that status are an event trigger and an event that only triggers at midnight...
I don't know what I'm doing wrong
I uploaded the file here:
for anyone who wants to see where the error lies O.o
problem solved:
I had set an event that deactivated the "new_day" status 10ms after saving... instead of "before"...
calmly, slowly I'll solve it by myself too XD
currently the game starts at 06:00 and ends at 00:30 every 7 seconds the time advances by 10 minutes, every day changes the date and the day of the week and every 28 days the season changes (almost like in the original game)...
the only thing i can't implement are the years, because they don't have a "continuous" cycle like the rest u.u
is it possible to change parallax with an event instead to creating many version of one map with a different parallax?
No, the parallax layers can't currently be changed via an event.
Is it possible to add to the spawn.txt file a requires_class to the event that brings the player to the initial map?
so that each "class" starts from a different map
ok, it can be done ... I wrote the class wrong (i'm a fucking noob, i know it) XD
Very cool project. How can you launch it? Is there a way to test it?
for now it is not yet "testable"... I released a .7z file with the version of flare that I use + the game folder... currently the hours, days, dates and seasons work, nothing more XD
find everything at the link of my first post
(I have updated the .7z file to today's date)
i don't use git because i hate git, but if someone wants to contribute i can upload everything on nextcloud, where you can edit files online, even to multiple people :)
Is there a way to make a tile disappear when activating/deactivating a status, without having to reload the map?
# hidden passage
before entering in the map it activates hide_part_1, in the map there is an "on_trigger" event that deactivates hide_part_1 and activates unhide_part_1 but, unfortunately the tiles of the event I posted don't disappear
if I do it the contrary, instead, they appear at status activation, without having to reload the map (but it is very inconvenient for me to do it this way)
thanks for any clarifications
To remove a tile, simply use a mapmod with a tile ID of 0. For example, if you wanted to remove the collision tile at position (33,19), you would use "mapmod=collision,33,19,0".
problem solved, i add this event on the map:
# hidden passage
intermap=maps/spring-secret-woods.txt,34,20,0,0 *
* it serves to reload the map without exiting, so the parts of the map of the other event disappear
is there a way to not show the minimap of a specific map?
otherwise you see the blue parts of the intermap and players know where to go to activate things
A static event will continually try to activate without player interaction until a scenario causes it to stop. Setting repeat=false will result in the event activating once and will not be able to reactivate. If you set repeat=true, you can stop/start the event by setting and unsetting status.
However, if the event you described continually activated, all it would do is apply the mapmod over and over. It would not at any point clear the tiles. You would still need a separate event.
You can add "show_on_minimap=false" to Event and NPC objects on the map to hide them.
thx so much :)
thanks for the explanation, but in the end, reloading the map (without exiting) I solved, and aesthetically it does not come "ugly to see" :p
being creative is also this: finding alternative ways LOL
Is there a way not to show the enemies in the minimap? O.o
In menus/minimap.txt, you can define the following:
The the alpha value (the last one in each entry) being set to zero will skip drawing of those elements on the minimap. You can also set color & alpha for:
wonderful, many thx
Hey, it's a neat project! You've done a lot of work and the map looks very nice!
I hate to be the Bad Guy, but before you get much further, I want to point out a few issues with copright:
The sprites you are using from the StardewValleyExpanded mod are not completely original---the cliffs and trees for instance are direct edits of the sprites from the original game. Therefore you probably cannot use them in this way, and you definitely can't license them as CC-BY-SA-NC. I wasn't able to find an official license or terms of use for the original game, but I'm pretty sure the art is not licensed under CC-BY-SA or similar. I understand that ConcernedApe is cool with mods for Stardew Valley distributing the art (or modifications thereof), but I doubt that they are also okay with completely separate games that re-create their game but use their art. I know the authors of the StardewValleyExpanded mod say their repository is MIT-licensed, and that might apply to the code or original artwork they have done, but they don't own the copyright to the artwork from the original game, so they can't release it under such a permissive license. I may be wrong about the license for the original game art from ConcernedApe---if so, correct me---but I doubt it.
I also question a bit whether re-creating the map tile-for-tile is permissible. Arguably the map from the game is subject to copyright, so by copying it, you are violating the author's copyright. Re-creating the general layout of the town is probably fine, but creating a (near-)exact replica tile-by-tile is probably not. Likewise if you make a few tiny changes so that it's slightly different, but otherwise make it nearly identical, you're still creating a derivative of the original. Finally (because it's a common misconception), just because you place the tiles/pixels yourself, does NOT mean you are creating an original (non-derivative) work. For example, if I opened up a sprite of Mario from Super Mario Bros, then opened GIMP in another window and re-created it, pixel-for-pixel... I've still *copied* Mario, and I've clearly created a derivative work, in violation of Nintendo's copyright.
If you are just using the Stardew Valley sprites for your internal prototyping, that's fine. But since you are distributing them online with your FLARE mod, it's probably time to start looking for art that you have a license to use.
Again, I say all this not to rain on your parade, but to help you make your project successful and legal :)
But I thank you so much for everything you said, you did SOLELY good to say all these things, which I need....
so now I'll see what to do :p
This is why I_think making a pure clone is a bit sad and opens to many potential issues including the project being shutdown.
So many open source project aspire to be only clones of popular games. I think we should aim at creating our own universe, Open Valley is a very cool idea and to be honest even partially inspired me for my own game but I always try to make everything original.
Not only changing the names and stuff but also the maps, the locations, the tileset, the story even exploring a different gameplay.
If you need inspiration you could do research and documentation about farming and try to come up with a unique place.
You can even take a map from OpenGameArt and modify it to make it fit your theme and put your own location.
If you would like I_can create you an overworld map quickly to give you inspiration with unique location (and you are free to adapt them).
I'm not dejected or anything, at most I'll start again from the beginning, another time, with completely new tiles...
i'm already looking for new tiles, i'll probably use lpc's and change the size of the maps from 16x16 to 32x32 lol
starting over a thousand times too is not a problem XD
I'm not here to judge what's a worthy project---people love that mod that is remaking Morrowind in the Skyrim engine. Work on whatever excites you! I just want everyone to be aware of the legal/licensing issues, especially since we're on a FOSS forum :)
And let me know if you need any art! ;-)
I repeat @bluecarrot16, you did very well to write what you wrote :) if people don't tell me also, these things, I can't improve my way of doing things
(I know I don't know and that I can be wrong... and probably I will be wrong again lol)
Open Valley, a new beginning
(let's hope it's a good one) XD
Very nice to see! I like the new beginning :)
It looks like in some of your art (mostly screenshot_2021-03-15_13-52-03.png), you may have scaled some of the tiles by a non-integer multiple, in a program like PhotoShop or GIMP, which is performing interpolations/anti-aliasing and is making the pixel art blurry. Try zooming in on the bricks in your image and compare to the image you started with, and you'll see what I mean---your bricks are blurry.
The best solution is to use a program that is designed for pixel art, like PyxelEdit or Aseprite, but if you want to use GIMP/PS/etc., you should avoid scaling/rotating pixel art and/or disable anti-aliasing/interpolation.
Can't wait to see more!
probably is the screen that is done wrong, because I do not see anything blurry O.o (I uploaded the .xcf file on my cloud, here it doesn't let me upload it)
the only thing blurred are the "curves" that I created in the walls of the interior of the house a little at random, because I'm not absolutely good at these things XD
Hi, I'm glad it did not demotivated you to continue working on it. I_think its better to deal with those stuff early in the project because its easier to change compared to having to redo everything 2 years later.
lol, you right XD
and don't wirry, NOTHING demotivated me :p
I add: since I have to redo everything from scratch with new tileset it allows me to add new things, like adding leaves and "various things" in the rivers, which are "transported by the river current"... small things, that make the landscape more alive ^^
Do you have a new demo which can be tried?
neat, I really cannot wait to give it a try :)
I didn't know...I'm an idiot XD
I don't know the reason but I always used only background, object and collision u.u
I_admire your motivation and its cool you started again with new tiles however I'm afraid you are still too close to the original game. As other stated you can't just reproduce almost tile by tile the layout of a map. If I_look at your picture to me, with the exception of using a new tile look almost everything looks likes Stardew valley down to the position of the ponds, the cliff on the left. This is blatant copying, with almost no originality and would be asking for potential troubles.
So, how to create an original map for the player's farm?
Let's look at our requirement and what it should have as stated in the previous post:
A farm / player home
A crop
A_body of water
A road / path to go to the next section which will contain the city / store to sell your items.
Now, I do not know a lot about farms and farming so my first step is to get documentation and inspiration from real life examples, games, movies, anything I can find to help me. I_will purpusfully ignore Stardew valley own map to not get distracted or too close to the original. This will help me to come up with something 100% original.
By a simple search on Duckduckgo about farm layout I start to have tons of examples
This will help me to make some decision. (It's funny how the game stardew valley is so popular that a simple search Farm layout will show results from the game, but we will ignore them).
Now on all the images I_found, the one that inspired me the most is this one
Not sure why but it contains a lot of description it has a body of water and I kind of like it. But I will not do copy of it, just take it as inspiration.
In the next post I will show my layout and the reasoning behind it.
Since the game is isometric it is also required to put the entrance on the front and not on the side or the back of the house. So we have a road, a connection to the city / village and the house of the player. Let's add a body of water, a crop and some decoration.
And we have our map. In red is the boundary, we have everything we need and some space left if we need to add more experiments (like for instance beehouses, or a barn with chickens. As you can see I_used inkscape and the most basic style possible. Because I did not want to start with laying down tiles since it is time consuming and if you need adjustement you are often forced to start all over again.
Now we can start to do it in the editor