Looking for assets for a surrealist deckbuilder
Looking for assets for a surrealist deckbuilder
Hey everyone, I've just created the first playable version of my free-software Spire-like deckbuilder. You can see find a playable version from the previous link.
The game theme is "surrealist dreams" and will deal a lot with physhological concepts such as abuse, narcissism, ptsd etc.
I was looking here for assets to use, but as you might imagine, that specific theme is not very popular, so I came up empty.
I am looking for artists to collaborate with me in the following areas (in order of priority):
- Icons
- GUI Elements (The way a card looks among them)
- Card Illustrations
- Static Backgrounds
- Enemy Sprites (animation not mandatory).
I'll explain the first two as they are the ones I'm mostly interested at the moment,
This is to signify enemy intents, or conditions applied. It would have to be 16x16 icons or so. Some samples (and their more plain explanation):
- Confidence (player defense)
- Perplexity (enemy defense)
- Interpretation (player attack)
- Stress (enemy attack)
- Confusion (Condition that lowers attack)
- Doubt (Condition that applies DoT)
- Fascination (Condition that provides delayed energy for more actions)
As an example, here's the icons used in the OG of the type of game I'm making, Slay the Spire
GUI Elements
I need design elements to make a consistent card look that fits the theme. Likewise I need GUI elements for the rest of the game.
I'm willing to pay for these, but I don't know what I should offer. I'm not rich and this is free software so funds are limited but I'm willing to go out-of-pocket. If you're willing to help for money, please hit me with what you need for it so I can check if I can affort it.
PS: If you know places where I could find existing Icons and GUI elements that might fit my theme, do let me know. I have no real clue where to look. :)
Have you seen https://game-icons.net ? Might not have everything, but I bet it'll give you a good start. All icons are svg so all sizes are available.
--Medicine Storm
No I didn't know about that site. I'll take a look and report back. , thanks
OK this is absolutely brilliant! There's a lot of icons that can cover me in the there! However I will still need help for all the other stuff, so if anyone wants to help (or you have another awesome website for me me), lemme know :)
So for the cards, I think you'd want to probably put a mockup together yourself initially, just in terms of the shape and size, and then come back here with the actual dimensions you want. I was able to quickly throw together a pretty simple mockup using Inkscape, but I quickly hit the wall where I didn't know what icons, stats, layouts and whatnot you would want. So maybe, go and have a think about that?
Oh and credit where credit is due - the image here is gman2099's. The noise textures are screamingbrain's
I already had an (ugly) layout, but for now, I ended up buying a card layout. You can check how the current version looks here: https://youtu.be/SLRwvlhsmN4
Not particularly happy with it, as it leaves very little space for text, so I am still looking for a CC version which gives me more space.