Unity 2D Sprite Splicing
Unity 2D Sprite Splicing
Thursday, July 8, 2021 - 12:35
I've found a tileset here that I really love and I'd like to use it on my personal hobby game. Link below:
The tilesets I have been working with prior to the above link have included their cell sizes, but for obvious reasons the above links' assets don't have set cell sizes. The cells are varying sizes, yet the 3 asset files included are rather large (683px Wide / 2048px Long) and the automatic splice tool does not do the tileset any justice.
Any advice for a Unity noob like myself?
The LPC set is based on 32x32 tiles, so - although many features like large buildings do not fit within a single 32x32 tile - they should always conform to multiples of 32. I generally use GIMP to splice out large multi-tile sprites like that:
I'm sure there are plenty of free imaging tools for splicing out large multi-tile sprites. Perhaps some other artists around here will suggest something that works even better. I think Tiled supports mulit-tiled sprites in a spritesheet in an even simpler way, but I'm not sure it's useful for extracting the sprites, more for manipulating the sprites and using them in a level/map based on the tileset. Still, I believe there are lots of documented methods of importing Tiled maps into Unity.
--Medicine Storm
Just to elaborate: these tileset images are really intended to be used like, well, tiles---you assemble multiple 32x32 px tiles into a larger image. I usually use Tiled https://www.mapeditor.org for this, and if you download Tiled and the example scene on my submission, you can see how the preview image was built up from tiles. Unity has a similar function, I believe it's this: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-Tilemap.html . Of course, if you just want a few static objects, it would be easiest to cut them out as MedicineStorm suggests.
Hope that helps!