Programming and Art

Programming and Art

Years ago I learned programming in c++. at that time it was mostly c++ 98 and c++ 11 was still pretty new. This year I started learning art and most of my c++ knowledge had dimished from not using it. I still remembered pointers and basic facilitys but most of the important stuff was forgotten. While I was learning art this year I started messing around with programming again and upodating what I know to at least version 17. I noticed while doing this the little art skills I had began to diminish. It seems like doing both of these things at the same time doesnt work very well. I enjoy programming for the fun of it only. I also enjoy art. Is it possible to focus on both these things or ultimately am I going to have to choose one or the other? Has anyone successfuly done both and been able to maintain them both? How did you do it?