Alien Border Patrol Updated
Alien Border Patrol Updated
I made a major update to my pico-8 game Alien Border patrol.
also fyi i make nothing but public domain music for opengameart. 200+ songs in total.
Interesting game and quite addictive. I played until I got out of memory error. I think I was able to get level 8 and got score 128. That's what is visible in screen after crash. My guess is that out of memory occurs when there are multiple big ships and bullets bounce from those. I was able to get few bullets between three ships and then which were bouncing back and then shooting more bullets so those kept bouncy on screen.
Yeah sorry about that. I made a recent update that addded particles. There is no projection method for resolving physics collisions. Thus, a single bullet can collide with a spaceship more than one time. Particles are generated per collision thus to many particles are created and the game crashes. I took out the particles for now which should fix the out of memory error. I am currently remaking the game from scratch with an improved physics engine which should fix the problem completely even with particles added.
Alex McCulloch