StarLayer for 2D Shmup
StarLayer for 2D Shmup
I am making a game currently and I am using the art mostly from this site :-).
I have however, a layer made of stars, which moves in the background to make it look like the Ship is really flying through space. But it is barely visible and very subtile.
If you watch this video, you might see it in the background. Switch to 720p and fullscreen:
My Question is:
How can I improve the overall scene and esp. the star layer?
Incentive for good replies: The image made with your help will be submitted as public domain, like all of my, ehm, pictures. I wouldn't call it art xD.
The picture I am using right now, was simply made by adding HSV Noise to a transparent background.
Here is the picture with a black background added:
I did another approach with a particle emitter:
What do you think about that?
I think the next step should be playing with gaussian blur followed by brightnes curves to give those points a halo and a sharp tip. With curves I really mean curves not just brightness+contrast. In gimp there is such a function to control the curve of brightness.
tryout in blender, pointcloud, halo material and a bit of compositing
Have you tried sparkle effect in GIMP? It might help. Also first background looks pretty good. Few larger stars might also be nice. I only added sparkle effect over your original image.
Try adding a pattern like this one , other then that you can try getting 2 layers of stars scrolling on different speeds.
Hey Guys, thanks for all the good suggestions, gonna try it out.
Quick Question: How did yuo make the purple stuff?
Well Is acually an old image of mine made in Colel Draw (I think) Its tileble and its in grayscale ... the actual puple is another color layer on top of the grayscale image.
This may be helpful to folks. dont remember where i got it. think i was just roaming the net.
I hope you find it useful.
Thanks man. Helps a lot.
Not sure if these will help but at least this topic made me stop procastinating and upload something!