What license are images available in Nasa's web page?

What license are images available in Nasa's web page?

I am trying to understand Nasa's media guide license from here: https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/guidelines/index.html

I think I heard some where that some of the NASA's content is under public domain. But while reading that license I am not sure anymore. I get that you are not allowed to use NASA's logo or images where invidual employees can be recognized. I also get that some of the images are not free to use and those are under copyright but those are mentioned when that is the case. There is also separate part for non-commercial use and commerical use in license/text in link above.

So is NASA actually using different license than public domain and CC0 and if I use it I cannot relicense to for example CC0. In order to use images for example my game I would need to rescale images, since I would guess that images from planets would huge.