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Open source HTML5 games and game engines
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Open source HTML5 games and game engines
Emcee Flesher
Friday, May 20, 2022 - 06:17
What's out there?
I only know that Godot can create HTML5 games.
If you like primitive/low-level programming (like I do) you can program with PHP. But you probably don't like that.
gdevelop is a 2d game engine that natively exports browser games, it is javascript based. has visual event-based scripting or you can code in javascript (but your javascript would still be executed using the visual scripting.) mit license.
actually, gdevelop games can only be built into executables by wrapping the webpage with electron, but their cloud service does it for you so you don't have to use yarn and commanline tools to build with electron.
copperlicht is a webgl 3d rendering framework that is open source and also javascript based. but the scene editor is not open source. copperlicht can be used as an api without using the close-sourced scene editor, and i think you can use open source irrlicht scene editors. custom zlib-like license for the rendering api.
nunu studio is a another webgl 3d rendering framework. scene editor and the whole shebang is mit license. i have little experience with this one.
playcanvas is another webgl 3d rendering framework, scene editor and all is mit licensed but the whole thing is built around a freemium cloud-hosting platform. you could do without it though. it is typescript. only fiddled with it a little bit.
Does anyone know of any games written in javascript, and using HTML5 for graphics, where the source is open and intended to be human-readable?
Hey Emcee, try to enter github and pres tags there:
Might be a little late to the party here, but anyway, here's the JavaScript frameworks I know of:
Phaser is a largely used game-engine full of features. This is what I personally use.
Kaboom is its direct concurrent with a different style of code.
LittleJs is a tiny engine made so you can read its source code and hack it.
RotJS is sepcifically aimed at making roguelikes.
CtJs is a game editor with all sort of tools to help you make games.
All of these can be run directly in a browser, but if you want to target other platforms (mobile or desktop), you'll have to add tools to convert HTML5 into executables, but it's still doable.
If you want some tutorials on Phaser or Kaboom, I can recommend Ourcade Tutorials and Code with Anya Kubow YouTube channels.
-Good job Raaaahman, it appears that, that called "CtJs" at end of list supports Win, Lin and Mac, in one pack, thanks.
Indeed, from reading the docs, it seems that CtJs can both run on and export to all the desktop platforms. I haven't tested it though.