racing car engine sound loops
racing car engine sound loops

These are engine sound loops i made for
Made by cutting out a piece from (public domain), editing to loop semi-smoothly and adjusting pitch.
Difference between the files is pitch only.
Any improvement on these or better samples would be very welcome

Art under sampling+ can not be used to create cc-by or cc-by-sa licensed art.
Did you happen to get get permission to release the modified version under cc-by?
If not: could you please ask the authors of the sounds you used to write an exception in the comments of their submissions in question? Something like "In addition to cc-sampling-plus, I allow this sound to be used under creative commons attribution license."? That would be awesome.
I did the same for some sounds I edited for supertuxkart.
Hm, gave me the impression that it's compatible, this page is wrong? Ok, I'll look into it, or more likely, redo these from a compatible sample.
Remade these using a public domain sample
thank you
Nice, but very quiet.