$12256 / $11500
Well I am not the best artist but here are some minimalistic 16*16 RPG sprites I drew, because I've used many sprites here and did feel like adding something, it currently includes:
may make other sprites later also please forgive me for my bad english...
Nice, can't wait to see your next contribution.
OMG this is so cute!
this is a great tileset, all you need is dirt, hill or raised grass in the style of the dirt/water. and a generic house with like 3 icons to make different, armor, items, inn, and we got a game on our hands.
You should make some kind of competition for your sprites to be used in a game for fun. like a 24 hour game contest. this site needs to do that kind of stuff with sprites this good.
thanks, and yea, I think I'll finish these tiles later
Hey! Just wanted to say that I used your art in my Ludum Dare entry.
Please feel free to check it out!
Your art specifically shows up in the 'Sword Rush' micro game.