2 creepy background songs
2 creepy background songs

The zip package contains two Fasttracker 2/MilkyTracker compatible xm modules with dark themed, creepy music. They were originally made for a C-Dogs SDL mission.
Attribution Instructions:
Redistribution and modification are strongly recommended.

I'm getting Metroid flashbacks, particularly from the first one. :)
@bart: Is there a specific theme song you have in mind?
BTW: The second part was inspired from "Searching" from Oni:
Except it sounds more like slow zombies... :(
EDIT: I figured out that half of the Super Metroid songs are like that. Nice, another game to test out. Thanks for the hint!
Hi! I used these music in my game! These are pretty awesome! Here is the link if you liked to try it out: http://gamejolt.com/games/tundmatu/192044