32x32 Water and land Map Tilesets
32x32 Water and land Map Tilesets
Wednesday, June 1, 2011 - 15:51
Art Type:
Hello OGA. My team and I just finished our end-term project, and I'd like to share the 32x32 tilesets we made for our ship-themed game.
Everything made by Ymmij12 and DeZevil, using the latest version of Photoshop and Photoshop CS3 respectively.

Except for the trees, they look quite nice.
One trick that I often use to draw such difficult objects is:
Yeah, that works quite well, but it almost feels like cheating that way. :p
We could probably have made the trees look a lot better, they were mostly added as a rushed afterthought, seeing as 95% of the game was just water and shoreline.
Thanks for your input!
Great work, but your downloadable ZIP file is corrupt.