3D Rock Tileset

3D Rock Tileset


This is a rock tileset I did for the OpenDungeons project, in essence it is a series of standard sized blocks, which all tile together on a grid to create a 3D cave environment.  This pack adds three new versions of every one of Open Dungeon's standard blocks. it also includes a new rock texture.

The author of the original tileset on which these are based was andrewbuck from the Open Dungeons project.

As always, if you use these I'd love to hear about it :)



edit: I've just added another .blend which indcludes an alternate set of walls, to allow for the creation of a room which is distinct from the rest of the cave.

walls.zip walls.zip 3.4 Mb [1606 download(s)]
roughhewnwall.blend roughhewnwall.blend 2.6 Mb [1028 download(s)]