3rd person blender sci-fi pack
3rd person blender sci-fi pack
Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - 17:11
Art Type:
This was released for a crowd-funding campaign a while back:
See also here: http://www.blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?294639-Free-blender-G...

This is some really nice stuff. :)
The same artist is also looking to release a FPS pack, see here:
(details still unclear)
Cool stuff. Some textures seem to be missing (in the Props_packed.blend and Ch1 and Ch2 blends). Also which file contains the weapons? Some sounds are pretty cool as well, but I guess not many people will find them here, packaged together with the other files.
The weapons are in the weapons folder :p (low and high poly version included).
Also includes an animated player model btw (not pictured).
P.S.: Anyone up for converting this into a 3D tileset for the new Godot FOSS engine?
Would be a perfect fit IMHO.
Odd, for some reason it didn't unzip everything. I tried it again with 7-zip and now it's all there.
Oh GOD! This is absolutely amazing. Gonna make great stuff with this.
I don't have a need for 3D assets, but the sound effects in this pack are great!
Thanks guys. We are using one of those guns for an enemy character an upcoming virtual reality game called "10 Cupcakes". Here is a screenshot of the enemy holding the gun, and there is a video clip on our site. You can see the enemy with the gun being killed at about 49 seconds.
This is some good stuff here bud. Thanks a lot..