Angler Man 3D
Angler Man 3D
Tuesday, April 15, 2014 - 21:34
Art Type:
Model has 3042 triangles. It also has diffuse, normal and displacement maps at 4096 res and specular at 1024 res. The model is fully rigged and weight painted but some fine tuning may be necessary for some movements.
This model is based on "The Angler Man" by 5hiroi found in the concept art section of this website. The concept art is under public domain.
There are two cenes, one for the render in cycles and the other for blender internal. You probably will want the blender internal one for games, just remember to switch.
A viewer for the model is found here
Donations appreciated and they will be used to improve my 3D through new software or extra time spent on the models. They can be done using this paypal link.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
If you can, mention my name if you use it for a larger project.

Woah, I never thought I'd see this guy in 3D! Looks great!
This is bizarre enough to star in "Ancient Beast", you should contact them about it, they are always looking for new aberrations to add into their bestiary
That's terrifying. Well done. I can imagine this being in something like the Amnesia games.
Thank you.
This reminds me of some crazy things from Doom 3. If I saw this in a game like Doom 3 I would probably poop myself because it's pretty scary. Well done!
Nice work !
Thank you. It was fun making this model. However, I noticed later (as I did with some other models) that blender seems to have problems with its own or external displacement maps so in the future I'll probably include a higher res mesh as well for subdivide and shrinkwrap in case people want to use more detailed versions of the model.
Looking good! Will probably use this for (foss browser based tbs).
Are you working on your own game project atm or what?
I started making my own game but it turned out it would take forever to make it by myself so I decided to make 3d assets that I would be fine using in a game if I were to make it. I currently have a unity 3D and Cryengine scenes set up to hold models I make so that I have an idea of what they would look like in a game engine. I also made some scripts for basic naviagation and events in these engines.
Understood. Yeah, a game project is a really big project, especially without a budget.
Here's a blender addon that you can use to export sprite sheets (if ever making a 2d game) or animated gifs (just for the eye-candy on websites)
Most of the units from Ancient Beast are being made into 3d using blender, here's a sample so if something catches your eyes, you're free to have a go at it, especially if it wasn't properly made before; you seem really skilled, so could definitely use a bit of help from you; all project artwork is under CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.
Here is the first batch planned to make it into the game
Yeah that would be great. Currently I have some time constraints but I'll tackle something there when I get more time.
What is the polygon count you want in the models?
Great, no worries, you can take your time. What would be the best way to keep in touch and collaborate? We do have an IRC channel for the project if you're into that kind of stuff (#AncientBeast on freenode, you can join from )
Skype, email or social networks will kinda do as well.
There's no actual polycount limit as for the first version we'll prerender into sprite sheets, so more details = better, as long as detail is used wisely, though we'll also be displaying the 3d models in the units page and probably in-game as well and at some point will wanna make a 3d version of the game too (browser based as well), which will allow for more eye-candy and open new posibilities such as AR and VR. Let's say at least 3000-6000 faces, maybe even more so that stuff looks flawless regarding smoothness, you don't really get to see any choppy edges in most 3d games nowadays that are done properly. I really hate it in Dota2 when stuff like tails and other similar limbs don't have enough edge loops and look very choppy when animated.
Was the animation from the gif included in the attached blend file? I can't quite manage to find any animation data in the file and play it xD Maybe I'm doing something wrong, hmm...
The file was missing the saved keyframes. There is really just one animation for this one but the rig makes it easy to make new ones. I added both the gif animation and the blend file containing my saved key frames that I used to make the gif and these should work fine. The IRC channel should work fine.
Great, will check it out. This might end up as a level 1 Wrath unit; will make folder in our wuala group soon and have a copy of the files there :)
I think Mangler might be a fitting name :)
Hey man, just wanted to let you know that we are using your Angler Man in our game "Bermuda Triangle". We really love his character, and we hope to make him a fun and rememerable character.
You can check out our blog here.
Thanks alot =)
Sweet! Thank you for letting me know. I'll follow the development.
Thank you!
I'll use it for my collection of sounds.