Back Alley Hero
Back Alley Hero
Wednesday, December 26, 2012 - 16:58
Art Type:

A high-speed mixture of 8-bit and 16-bit style sounds, clear synth, and crude bass with side-scrolling fighters in mind. Picks up and settles down pace as though engaging a gang of baddies and then walking to the next one, classic fighter style. It may inspire you to punch someone in the pixels!
Attribution Instructions:
Please credit me as FoxSynergy. If you happen to let me know what you're working on I'd get a big kick out of it and also link to and promote your project if you like. Either way, thanks!

The project I'm currently working on has nothing in common with this style, but I had to stop by and say that the song is goddamn awesome. Good job!
Wow... tremendous thanks for your enthusiastic interest, BogdanMarginean! ^_^
Glad you like! It's one of my favorites.
cool :)
I have used this and a couple of your other songs in my upcoming game Yahrit!
Thank you very for your contribution!