Benny, the Rottweiler
Benny, the Rottweiler
Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - 12:58
Art Type:
This is Benny, the perfect hero companion!
He has got folllowing animations:
Attribution Instructions:
You dont have to contribute to me, but I used some CC-BY-SA pictures for projection painting Benny.

I like him except the tail. where I live all the rots have snipped tailes so its just a nub. looks funny to me with a tail. although im sure some have them.
Nice work as usual. Will certainly have a use for this.
you know, if there fetching/eating/playing ect animations this would be good for a nintendogs clone.
a nintendogs clone where you kick ass and chew bubblegum :p
Cute :)
so fluffy
I'm all out of bubble gum, but I want to ogle his anims for my own game (and maybe retex him).
feel free to change anything
How do I use this type of file?
I imported it into Unity and the texture did not map correctly. Not sure the UV is correct.
Edit: I found a setting in Unity which I don't understand, but works. Called "Swap UVs".
I needed this exact thing. thank you so much