Bitmap font
Bitmap font
Tuesday, September 10, 2013 - 16:35
Art Type:
Fast 5x12 pixelfont made from scratch. Includes 95 characters in 9 different colours. Ascii values from 32 to 126.
Attribution Instructions:
No need to attribute, but if you insist, use "gnsh".

First: REALLY nice fonts! I'll definitely use them in something. :)
Now, what did you use in that font preview screenshot?
Glad you like it, for the preview I used SDL2 and a custom font class. :)
UH, very good work! ;)
are you mind of share your SDL2 custom class? PLEEEEEASE.
Hey Man,
Do You know the character's height and width for the Sprite font you got there?
Because i tried it out, and it ended up like this everytime on Construct 2: -
Width is 5px and height is 12px, like it says in the description. Does Construct 2 require your fonts to be in one line? If so, the png would have to be 475x12px. And when you do that manually it's easy to mess up. Just a guess.
These are lovely. I've created a couple of custom scripts for using them in Game Maker which work just great. If anyone is interested in the code I used, let me know and I'll post it here.