Blood and Iron
Blood and Iron
Sunday, January 2, 2011 - 22:35
Hi, great website, I have already found something which is absolutely perfect for my new Free Software game! I used this excellent portrait set available here:
My game features a dark low fantasy theme and uses low-res retro art so that set is absolutely perfect!
I tried to contact the artist by email, because I would love to have more of these portraits, unfortunately he hasn't replied thus far. Whatever, here is OGA art in action:
My project is still very young but a website and pre-alpha code already exists:
Nice, I love the retro feel.
Hello, I'm the artist; sorry about not responding. I'm most reachable as Blarumyrran on the opengameart IRC channel (#opengameart on It's nice to see the pictures used and I like X-COM as well. I'm busy with a personal project so I can't really commit to a new one, but I may make a bunch more of those portraits anyway as they're easy & quick to do. Here's a start (a bit less ugly than the older ones),
Looks like a cool idea to me. Kind of reminds me of Mount & Blade, and any tactical game inspired by X-COM immediately looks interesting.
>I'm most reachable as Blarumyrran on the opengameart IRC channel (#opengameart on
Ugh, I hate chat rooms..
>I'm busy with a personal project so I can't really commit to a new one,
Well, I expect at least a year of development before the game reaches playable beta stage, and who knows what's in a year, right?
>but I may make a bunch more of those portraits anyway as they're easy & quick to
Should you find the time to do that please draw a "Highwayman/Outlaw" and a "Beastman" portrait for me, because I will need those for the first implemented mission. I have uploaded some "concept art" to show you what I mean:
Just those two portraits who go a long way because those enemy types will be very common. Oh, and a "Marksman" portrait (some guy with an arrow holder on his back should do the trick) would be nice too but that's not as important. Right now I use one of your original portraits for both "warrior" and "marksman" which is OK because the character types are kinda similar.
Oh, and thanks for the new portraits. I don't know a place to use them yet but I am sure I will eventually find one.
Made the archer, goatguy & highwayman, . Also I think now that the old portraits were really quite horrible, and incompatible with the new ones, so a new armored guy too.
Thanks much! However, I actually like the original set better. The art style of the new set is more "realist" and I am not really aiming for realism. The art style of the old set had a grim, desolated, slightly "expressionist" feel which fits the game perfectly. Maybe that was just an accidentel effect of sloppy painting but I loved it. The new human portraits are to clean and realist. The archer guy somehow reminds me of MacGyver and that's not a good thing in this case ;)
But it's no problem. I have no doubt that I will find a dedicated artist for the project once I have a beta level playable game.
Again,thanks for the portraits. They will certainly be in the game during the alpha phase and the first set might even end up in the final game provided whoever I end up recruiting paints in a similar style.
I have recently release version 0.0.4. Linux binaries are available now.