Blue Space

Blue Space

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Decided to try my hand at an Amiga-like sound, and since my brain is permamently stuck in shmup mode, perhaps you'll find this good for a shoot-'em-up or maybe just to sit back and enjoy.

v0.96: Replaced some minor undertones that had been in v0.8

v0.95: Added some bright synth and tweaked levels slightly

v0.8: Original release

Attribution Instructions: 
Please credit me as FoxSynergy. If you let me know what you're working on I'd get a big kick out of it and also link to and promote your project if you like. Either way, thanks!
Blue Space v0_8.mp3 Blue Space v0_8.mp3 3.2 Mb [659 download(s)]
Blue Space v0_8 (32 kbps).mp3 Blue Space v0_8 (32 kbps).mp3 773.8 Kb [279 download(s)]
Blue Space v0_95.mp3 Blue Space v0_95.mp3 5.7 Mb [430 download(s)]
Blue Space v0_96.wav Blue Space v0_96.wav 35 Mb [507 download(s)]