Dumpster (3 cubic yard capacity)
Dumpster (3 cubic yard capacity)
A dirty, graffitied dumpster.
909 triangles (although model has not been converted to triangles)
Textures include:
- Diffuse
- Normal
- Specular
Dumpster_3yard.zip contains the .blend file and folder with 1024x1024 textures. Dumpster_3yard_textures_2k.zip contains 2048x2048 textures. The .blend file contains materials dumpster_3yard_1k (assigned to the model) and dumpster_3yard_2k.
To use the 2k images download the file dumpster_3yard_textures_2k.zip and unzip the "textures_2k" folder.
Place this folder in the same directory as dumpster_3yard.blend.
Open dumpster_3yard.blend, select the dumpster, in the materials tab select the material dumpster_3yards_2k.
The dumpster has been rigged such that the lids open independently and will not pass through the dumpster body. The wheels are rigged to rotate and have a control bone which rotates them all in unison.
All textures are original and created by myself.

Excellent work, that is high quality asset you've made there, particularly for an object for which most people would skimp on the detail. I am very impressed, thanks for the upload.
Great job! I'm going to use it in my Game or Engine
This is perfect OGA material-well executed, has a potential place in tons of games.
Very nice.
Goes along well with:
For your personal trash collection ;)
"FOSS street cleaners 2014" game incoming?
I'm glad to see more and more pro work on OGA, that's awesome in all meaning of this term. Top-notch work o.O
Thanks for the comments. I'm working to make better models all the time. Onward and upward.
truly amazing. ive only started learning this stuff 2 years ago (im 14 so i naturally suck at most stuff).
Ive always been terrible at rigging.
@vipergames: Blender is complex, but otherwise it wouldn't be powerful. Set up simple projects for yourself that focuses on a single aspect you'd like to learn. My first model was my wooden crate. First just to learn basic modelling, then later to learn normal baking from hires. I had to restart the hires model several times as I kept modeling myself into unusable geometry. Make mistakes, start over, repeat.
Yes. Thanks for the tips but ive already probably done a near hundred projects so far. Another think is i have a weird system for modeling geometry, but it works best for me. Right now i just have to get the hang of animation and rigging, my animations are just a little shifty but still decent