FLARE Mod - Hobgoblin
FLARE Mod - Hobgoblin
Wednesday, July 3, 2013 - 08:54
Art Type:
Based off of Clint Bellanger's Goblin Model, I've made a Hobgoblin.
His ponytail may look cute, but don't say so to his face; it's a sign of his ferocity in battle.

As the pictures look cute, would it be possible to have a gif or other moving picture as a preview?
Yeah, I'll upload that as soon as I get a chance! :D
EDIT: Uploaded! :D
Nice! Should be easy to put this guy in-game...
geeze that is small. I know most of flare dudes are small but man outside of the environment you really see how small they are. I can barely see his silhouette it just looks like a blob.